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Date 02-14-92 06:44:00
From Terry Blount
To Rick Carroll
Subject Geneology of jesus
RC> The purpose of the two genealogies is to demonstrate that
RC> Jesus was in the
RC> complete sense a descendant of David. Through his foster
RC> father, Joseph, He inherited by law the royal line, while
RC> through his mother he was a flesh
RC> and blood descendant of King David. Thus, Jesus had the
RC> proper credentials
RC> to the throne of David.
Hello Rick. I'm back.
Why does anyone care about the linage of Jesus ? Why is this mentioned?
Isn't son of God enough credentials to inherit the throne of David ?
Date 02-14-92 10:52:00
From Terry Blount
To Steve Klemetti
Subject Congratulating JW's 's o
SK> TB> Did I miss something ? Have the Jw's increased the magic
SK> number of TB> 144,000 to 4 million ? I didn't join because I
SK> thought your TB> membership was already filled.
SK> Nope, Terry, the Bible does not limit salvation to only 144,000.
SK> It limits those who will be kings and priests with Christ in
SK> heaven to that numer. But there are an indetermine number that
SK> will be resurrected to life on earth and that will live through
SK> God's war against the nations.
SK> BTW, how many are there in the Unification church?
First, I would like to encourage you to view the Unification Church not
as a new church or denomination. Most members view their association
with the U.C. as a member of a movement that is working to unite all
religious (and good) people of the world. I see myself as a
representative of the Southern Baptist Church in this movement. Others
like my wife view their membership as representatives of the Catholic
Church. We seek to unite people who were once enemies. We have members
who represent all christian denominations as well as people who
represent other non christian religions. It only makes sense to me that
there are genuine God-loving people in all movements that seek to find
and relate to God. When we study the work of Satan we always find that
he seeks to first isolate and then destroy God's people. Since evil has
had at least 6,000 years to get organized, it will be impossible for
goodness to succeed if we don't find a way to cooperate with one
another. At this present time there are about 3 million associated
members of the Unification Church. Just as with your movement they
range in their level of commitment and desire to support different
I suppose I would agree we have a similar core membership that may
be compared to your elect 144,000. However this core membership is not
limited by number. To belong to this inner group, we must be accepted
as a married couple. So only members who have been blessed in marriage
by Rev. Moon are considered to be part of the "adopted" heavenly family.
Until marriage, we take the position as servant, much as St. Paul wrote
about in several of the books of the New Testament.
History has seen several types of religions that can be compared to
man's development in terms of the responsibility man takes. There are
some religions that are like children. The ask God for things like
children ask their parents for candy. Most religions, however, are
more like teenagers. Christianity is a prime example. Like teenagers,
christianity does offer some support for God and Christ, but mostly,
like teenagers, christians are asking for new cars and stereos. There
is not a lot of comfort for God in such a relationship. In the
Unification Movement, we seek to adopt the attitude and thinking of an
adult religion. Just as adults support their parents, care for and
comfort them, we want to lift the burden of suffering from God and
Christ's shoulders. Asking God to give me something or telling Him my
problems is an immature way to relate to Him if I want to become a
member of a "parent" type religion. I have to say that almost every
day before I went to Russia and every day since I have returned, I have
seen JW's walking on my street knocking on doors and witnessing to
people about God. I have a feeling that your faith has been persecuted
as a result of the attitude of responsibility you realize we have to do
God's will. I hope your faith can understand the heart of Rev. Moon and
find a common base to work with him.
Date 02-14-92 11:23:00
From Terry Blount
To Jim Taylor
Subject Gyroscope news
JT> Jesus Christ has promised that He will stand before all the
JT> peoples and say, "As you did to even the least of these My
JT> brothers, you did so unto Me.", and people who think they have a
JT> guaranteed seat on the first plane to heaven will find
JT> themselves crammed into the rumble-seat bound for hell--unless
JT> Jesus lied, of course...
He didn't lie, and your denomination has been successful in keeping a
tradition alive in the former Soviet Union during their harsh days of
atheistic communism. Many people shared the experience of their grand
mothers reading or reciting from memory the scriptures they had learned
in the Russian Orthodox Church. Your sister faith has much to be proud
of. I believe God wants me to say "thank you" for Him.
Date 02-14-92 11:29:00
From Terry Blount
To Steve Klemetti
Subject heaven
SK> TB> In other words you have opted to become a reporter rather
SK> than find the TB> way to enter heaven ?
SK> Find a way to enter heaven? What? As if there was some
SK> backdoor password or some way to hack to get in there.
Yes, Jesus often spoke about the formula that was necessary for fallen
man to follow in order to be restored. At present, it called
restoration through indemnity. Do you know anyone who wants to pay
indemnity ? I think Jesus put is best when he said:
MAT 7:14 Because strait [is] the gate, and narrow [is] the way,
which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
SK> The only way for one to enter heaven is to be chosen by God, through
SK> Jesus Christ. Then Jesus resurrects that one. There is nothing
SK> anyone can do to make God choose him/her. That would be works,
SK> as faith can not even make God do something that is beyond his
SK> will.
I believe that God chooses everyone:
2PE 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men
count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any
should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
Since not everyone has repented, the resurrection of a soul must not be
up to God alone. Do you really feel that God will choose me and leave
you to suffer? Or do you feel God may have chosen you and left me to
Date 02-14-92 11:43:00
From Terry Blount
To Steve Klemetti
Subject Resurrection
SK> Terry, it is not a matter of wanting to be unconscious after
SK> death. That is what happens, and we have no control over it. We
SK> must rely on Jesus Christ to resurrect us for any future life
SK> hopes. But Christians do wish for everlasting life and they
SK> will get it. I wish for God's kingdom and life everlasting
SK> under it. I know that I will get it. That is what faith is.
I would challenge you to pray for knowledge about the spiritual world.
The spirits of people who once lived on earth are very much conscious
and active. I will pray with you if you like. Only through prayer
could I have experiences that confirmed the existence and activity of
the spirits in the spiritual world. Just yesterday I noticed a program
on tv that had a woman who could communicate with a spirit person who
was her guide. She noted that we have to be very careful not to become
involved with evil spirits. There is only one spirit that she will
communicate with. That spirit can talk with the spirits who are around
another person and tell her things like their name and their concerns.
These spirits were often the spirits who were the living person's
decease grand father or grand mother.
I believe the reason your faith discourages give and take with the
spiritual world is because it is dangerous. It is best to do God's will
and the evil spirits won't be hanging around you. In order to separate
from Satan we must do what he can't do.... that is sacrifice for others.
This is why all religions have taught sacrifice.
If you can understand that your spirit develops from the nutriments is
receives from the actions of your spiritual body, you will be able to
see that the desire of all people who have passed into the spiritual
world is to have a physical body so they can be nourish. Only Jesus has
passed into the spiritual world in the state of perfection, so everyone
else there is seeking to cooperate with living people to gain these
"vitality" elements that are essential for spiritual growth. Most people
who have lived were very selfish and rather than spiritual growth, they
are more interested in using our physical body to get high on drugs or
alcohol. A very large percentage of them want to use your body
experience sexual relationships and will help you set up the conditions
so it will be very easy for you to fall into a pattern of fornication,
adultery, homosexuality, masterbation and just about any other means of
sexual gratification that can be imagined.
Date 02-14-92 12:09:00
From Terry Blount
To Steve Klemetti
Subject Trinity LIE
SK> Carla was speaking of a certain doctrine, namely the trinity, in
SK> which you do not believe. The trinity is not even clear to
SK> those who do believe in it. She was pointing out that the
SK> reason that it was not clear was that it was not a Bible
SK> teaching. But those other things that you mentioned are clear,
Is that why everyone believes the way you do? Obviously the things that
are "clear" to you are not always clear to the rest of us.
SK> and are just doctrines but are Bible teachings. The difference
SK> is that they are understood by the submission to God and his
SK> will. Contrary to the many who do not understand those things
SK> but would rather do their own will and their own wishes. Human
SK> will relies on humans, wishes to get what is not promised to him
SK> and what he can not have, what to believe that he is eternal,
SK> etc. But the submission to God's will relies on Jehovah God.
SK> There is a great difference.
I agree, but who has suggested that we don't follow God? The question
we all seek to answer in this Bible conference is what is the best way,
the correct way, to follow God's will? We read each other's advice and
suggestions, chew on it and often make adjustments in our own personal
faith. Usually we challenge anything we disagree with. It is not
possible to hold a belief we do not feel comfortable with.
Date 02-14-92 14:51:00
From Terry Blount
To Philip Brown
PB> I have a question about the Holy Spirit...
PB> Should we consider these unclean spirits to be non-persons,
PB> or Satan's active-force? The Bible clearly say that both of
PB> them are a spirit, but no one believes that they are
PB> active-forces (except people like Unity and Christians Science).
PB> If they can be understood to be persons, why not the Holy
PB> Spirit-- after all, isn't God a spirit who is holy?
As I understand it, there are spirits with definite personalities.
The spirit of an individual angel is an example as well as the spirit of
a person who has live as a man on earth and then died. There is also
the Spirit of God which is not a personality that different people
experience is the same way they would describe the personality of a
person like you or I. In other words, God appears quite differently to
people of different dominations of christians as well as differently to
people of different religions. Most religions view God as a master in a
far away place. Or as a judge with lots of punishment to dish out.
Others view God as a Father. Possibly God has appeared to these people
in different ways depending on their level of maturity. However the
people I have know who are most mature say that God is first and
foremost a parent, and we can relate on an equal level with God when we
learn to give unconditional love.
If man does not have the ability to relate to God in a equal way
then total unity and oneness could never come about. Man and God would
always be separated. I think total unity with God is possible and that
was God's goal for creating children. As for the Holy Spirit, it is
the feminine aspect of God's character that was given to comfort man
when Jesus was crucified. Through Jesus and the Holy Spirit, man can
receive rebirth. The Holy Spirit in the trinity is acting to fulfill
the position as bride of Christ. This would not have come about if
Jesus could have found faith and acceptance to marry and restore the
ideal family through the celebration of the marriage of the lamb at his
first coming. So, in conclusion, people relate to the Holy Spirit much
like they do to God. This personality does not exist in the same way to
different people.
Date 02-15-92 06:40:00
From Terry Blount
To Phil Morrison
Subject D&D
PM> I'm waiting for someone to show me how
PM> chess, Monopoly, card games etc cause
PM> me to become a better Christian....?
Maybe you can learn to love your enemy? <grin>
Date 02-15-92 06:42:00
From Terry Blount
To Phil Morrison
Subject Jesus Came To...
PM> BC> Let's not get all-inclusive with this. Not all of the
PM> churches BC> are cults. Let me remind you that ANYONE, whether
PM> man or angel BC> that adds to the word of God, or subtracts from
PM> it, or changes BC> it are cultic.
PM> Bill, I'd never thought of that as a definition of "cult".
PM> Seems like a good one!
Everyone since Moses falls into that definition. Matthew, Mark, Luke,
John, Jesus and St. Paul definitely appended the Old Testament.
Date 02-15-92 16:29:00
From Terry Blount
To Keith Suggs
Subject Are you kidding?
KS> did say it! And saying that you didn't say it doesn't change
KS> that. Have you been so brainwashed by the cult that you can't
KS> even see that?
Gee, let up a little. If you knew how misguided you have been by the
media and the leaders of traditional christian denominations you would
be too embarrassed to even mention the word "brainwashed".
Date 02-16-92 08:51:00
From Terry Blount
To Chris Spray
CS> > GEN 3:24 So he drove out the man; and he placed at
CS> > the east of the
CS> > garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which
CS> > turned every way, to
CS> > keep the way of the tree of life.
CS> >
CS> > Don't tell me the flood put out the fire. I'm pretty
CS> > sure God can make
CS> > an eternal flame that is even better than the one man
CS> > put at Elvis'
CS> > grave site. If any such tree really existed someone
CS> > would have seen it
CS> > by now.
CS> >
CS> You have made very good points. I believe the tree of life to
CS> be Jesus.
Yes, me too. Now what about that tree that stood beside the tree of
life? Was it also symbolical? Does real fruit grow on symbolical
trees? What is this symbolical fruit? What kind of fruit is more
desirable than life itself? I can only imagine that love is the only
thing that a person could desire more than life itself. Thousands of
people have took their own life when they thought that no one loved
them. If the tree of life represented true man, or true Adam, then the
tree beside it could only be representing woman, or Eve. This would mean
that the fruit was somehow connected to Eve's love. Since fruit is the
reproductive part of a plant, I can only conclude that the fruit Adam an
Eve was warned to not eat was symbolical for reproductive love. When we
study the fall of great nations and empires, we always find that their
destruction was not from an external force, but rather a result of moral
decay that destroyed the families of that nation. Can you see where
America stands at this point of history? The statistics about the
family situation don't lie. Divorce, incest, murder between family
members, infidelity and millions of illegitimate children with 1 or NO
parent are at an alarming rate. Unless a revival comes to restore the
America family quickly our economic and social conditions will be too
much a burden to bear. The real problem is not what happens to America,
but that every nation of the world is looking at America and following
our example. As America goes, so goes the world. It looks like God is
in a difficult situation. God's people must unite and turn this country
around. Evil has had more than 6,000 years to get organized, yet good
people, religious God-loving people, are trying to work alone..... or
waiting on Jesus to solve the problems. Even if Jesus is coming to
solve the problem I am sure he will not be disappointed to find his
children have taken the responsibility to eliminate the problems we
could have resolved. I think God is looking for a religion that is no
longer has a teenagers attitude of asking the parents for help. The
kind of religion that must emerge is one that takes the attitude of an
adult. An adult takes care of their parents and lifts the burden of
suffering and responsibility that they once put on their parents when
they were teenagers asking for cars, stereos and money for other things
like education, clothes, food and shelter.
Date 02-16-92 09:28:00
From Terry Blount
To Philip Brown
Subject Hell is eternal
PB> PM> If we think God's thoughts after Him, we are not dead in
PB> PM> trespasses and sins.
PB> If this is your definition of 'life,' then you should have
PB> no problem seeing my point. People that will have 'eternal
PB> life' will always think God's thoughts, while those without
PB> 'eternal life' will not think God's thought (but that does not
PB> mean that they are uncon- scious. [see Ephsians 2:1-5] I
PB> believe that people who are in Gehenna will be conscious, but
PB> will not have God's thoughts.
You are EXACTLY correct. Now the questions arises "How do we separate
from evil thoughts?" I have never heard or read of a situation where
God controlled man's thinking. Looks like living with God and attaining
life must be initiated from man's side.
Date 02-16-92 09:32:00
From Terry Blount
To Jason Steck
Subject Mormonism
May I relate my understanding of the Divine Principle point of view on
these articles of faith? Well, I'll do it anyway <grin>.
JS> The Articles of Faith
JS> of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
JS> 1 We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus
JS> Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.
Ok, But what does it mean to say "We believe...".
JS> 2 We believe that men will be punished for their own sins, and
JS> not for Adam's transgression.
I do not agree with the word "punishment". I think the correct term is
"consequences." If we violate physical law and jump out the window of
a tall building, we will suffer the consequences of violating physical
law. I don't view this as punishment. Likewise if we violate spiritual
law we will suffer the consequences. The word "punishment" implies an
indemnity course enforced by a third party, rather than the internal
suffering we experience from violating law.
JS> 3 We believe that through the atonement of Christ, all mankind
JS> may be saved,
JS> by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel.
JS> 4 We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the
JS> Gospel are: first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second,
JS> Repentance; third, Baptism by
JS> immersion for the remission of sins; fourth, Laying on of hands
JS> for the gift of the Holy Ghost.
While I agree with these ordinances for spiritual salvation, I believe
that the physical restoration of mankind must come through the
restoration of the family. Therefore, we need to be blessed in eternal
marriage by God through the second coming of Christ. Then as a family
unit we can enter the realm of resurrected children of God.
JS> 5 We believe that a man must be called of God, by prophecy, and
JS> by the laying
JS> on of hands by those who are in authority, to preach the Gospel
JS> and administer in the ordinances thereof.
Sometimes God looks for man but sometime man looks for God. In other
words may people have gone into the mountains to look for God while
other times God has come into the city to look for a prepared man.
JS> 6 We believe in the same organization that existed in the
JS> Primitive Church, namely, apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers,
JS> evangelists, and so forth.
We believe in the family where Christ and his Bride are the restored
Adam and Eve, the True Parents to mankind. In such an organization the
system resembles the human body where all parts cooperate for the
purpose of the well being of the whole individual.
JS> 7 We believe in the gift of tongues, prophecy, revelation,
JS> visions, healing,
JS> interpretation of tongues, and so forth.
I am aware of such spiritual activity and realize it is important in a
life of faith. The real question though is how can we love one another.
JS> 8 We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is
JS> translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be
JS> the word of God.
I agree with the first part about the Bible but don't have enough
knowledge about the Book of Mormon to make a fair judgement. I do have
problems with some of the ideas I have heard like the concept of a pool
of spirit bodies that are waiting in the "heavenly bull pen" for their
turn to come to earth. I don't know if such ideas are taught in the
Book of Mormon.
JS> 9 We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now
JS> reveal, and we
JS> believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things
JS> pertaining to the Kingdom of God.
An emphatic YES on that. Continuing revelation is a MUST.
JS> 10 We believe in the literal gathering of Israel and in the
JS> restoration of
JS> the Ten Tribes; that Zion (the New Jerusalem) will be built upon
JS> the American
JS> continent; that Christ will reign personally upon the earth;
JS> and, that the earth will be renewed and receive its paradisiacal
JS> glory.
We don't pay much attention to Israel the nation. According to the
parable of the vineyard Israel has lost her position as the central
nation in God's providence for restoration. Israel originally was the
name given to Jacob because he brought a victory of faith. The New
Israel won't be the Hebrew people. Christ will return and regain power
on the earth, but it will not be through a supernatural happening like
the return of a space ship. Christ will return to anoint a new person
MegaMail -> Warning, Message Truncated!
Date 02-16-92 15:14:00
From Terry Blount
To Steve Klemetti
Subject Jimmy
SK> WC> That depends upon how one defines faith. For many it means
SK> only WC>mental assent. Using this definition of faith then the
SK> answer is no. WC>Biblical faith is more than just mental assent.
SK> That is only the first WC>part. The second is embracing the
SK> belief as one's own. The third step WC>is acting upon that
SK> faith. Unless the third step is reach the Bible WC>says that the
SK> faith is only dead faith.
SK> Interesting. I agree with Walter on this one.
Walter can be right sometimes. <grin>
Date 02-16-92 19:24:00
From Terry Blount
To Martin Fontenot
Subject Look back in anger
MF> You are a liar and a fraud each time you walk past a poor man,
MF> or a suffering
MF> man with the bible tucked under your arm and yet you do not
MF> realize that there goes your savior!
You are a nobel man but you don't realize that Jesus said some people
would be less motivated than others. The lack of motivation is not
cured by handouts.
MAT 26:11 For ye have the poor always with you;
MAR 14:7 For ye have the poor with you always,
JOH 12:8 For the poor always ye have with you;
Date 02-16-92 19:29:00
From Terry Blount
To Martin Fontenot
Subject Look back in anger
MF> I can be reached, if any care to, here at the Wooden Shoe BBS in
MF> Houston by netmail, because if this does not tell Mr WAllace
MF> what a wooden and false
MF> God he worships, one whose word holds no mercy for those who
MF> are the oppressed in this
MF> world, it will certainly tell him to silence the man who tells
MF> him that.
Aren't you the same guy who was just talking about charity? Why do you
have such dificulty is showing a little charity toward Mike? If I said
you were worshiping false gods you would be sorely disappointed. Have
you read the Golden Rule?
MF> ..with the bible tucked under your arm and yet you do not
MF> realize that there goes your savior!
Can you point that high powered perception at yourself and tell us what
you see?
Date 02-18-92 10:45:00
From Terry Blount
To Philip Brown
Subject Braking the Sabbath
PB> I agree. But then again, *every* day in Jesus should be
PB> considered a day of rest (Hebrews 4:8-11).
HEB 4:11 Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any
man fall after the same example of unbelief.
If we follow a man who worked as hard as Jesus, there wouldn't be any
rest until restoration is finished. It would be most difficult to rest
around a man who was so intense about the establishment of the kingdom
of God on earth that he prayed till he sweated blood. Let us labour
therefore to enter into that rest.
Date 02-18-92 10:49:00
From Terry Blount
To Philip Brown
Subject everywhere/live forever
PB> SK> The question that I propose to you is how will that be
PB> accomp- SK> lished in your view?
PB> After Armageddon, everyone who had died, and had put their
PB> faith in God, will be resurrected from Abel on up (Rev. 20:4).
PB> These people will all be given imparishable physical bodies
PB> which cannot be destroyed. They will rule the people who have
PB> not died before Armageddon. This reign will last for a period
PB> of 1000 years. After the 1000 years are ended, the
PB> non-resureected people will also be given imparishable bodied.
I thought 1000 years was a symbolical number that signified forever.
The people who have embodied true love will reign forever.
Date 02-18-92 10:52:00
From Terry Blount
To Philip Brown
Subject Jesus' return
PB> Just like Paul, James White recognized that false ideas
PB> about who God is, and what the Gosple is must FIRST be torn
PB> down, before planting seed of Truth. Unless the false ideas are
PB> uprooted, they will be an obstacle for those really want to know
PB> the Truth. Notice how Paul also deals with false concepts about
PB> God in Acts 17.
True, so Christianity must decline in the last days so that the message
taught by the Lord of the Second Advent and take root. Do you see it
happening yet?
Date 02-18-92 15:52:00
From Terry Blount
To Philip Brown
Subject THE "NEW" MAN
PB> God will not need to *control* man's thinking. God will
PB> give us a new nature. We would still have the ability to sin
PB> (like Adam did), but we would not want to. People who truly
PB> want to do God's desire will be resurrected as his holy people.
What can fallen man do in order to get this gift of "new nature"?
Doesn't that require man's initiative? It seems to me that salvation
is determined by man taking responsibility to initiate the relationship
and reach out to God. Salvation therefore is not determined by God
LUK 11:9 And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek,
and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. For every one
that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that
knocketh it shall be opened.
MAT 7:21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter
into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father
which is in heaven.
Date 02-19-92 07:41:00
From Terry Blount
To Tony Nasrallah
Subject Christ is God?
TN> And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none
TN> good but one,
TN> that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the
TN> commandments. This really does not sound like Jesus thought of
TN> himself as God.
hey ! you can't use reason and ration... who will believe you?
Date 02-19-92 07:45:00
From Terry Blount
To Steven Headley
Subject D&D
PB> Whenever a person open their minds to doing something wrong, it
PB> become easier to do the more the person imagines doing it. For
PB> instance, millions of American housewives watch soap operas every
PB> day. Many of the episodes show women committing adultery or
PB> premaritial sex. I believe that when these women (or men) watch
PB> this kind of material, over and over, on a daily basis, it make it
PB> easier for them to also commit adultery also.
SH> I agree with this. And, in fact,
SH> I have seen this happen with a friend of mine, whose "standards"
SH> are a little more lax then they used to be. (although I do want
SH> to clarify that s/he is not having an affair or engaging in
SH> prmaritial sex, but his / her opinion on the matter has changed
SH> somewhat to being more acceptable to the idea as pictured on the
SH> tube.)
How right you both are. Seeing the movie "Silence of the Lamb" really
brought this point home to me... Do we seek something to covet or do
we covet what we see everyday?
If you apply this reasoning to the fall, it may become evident that
Lucifer was motivated to take something he was seeing everyday. He
wanted to share the same relationship with God and with the creation as
he realized Adam and Eve were enjoying. He was attracted to Eve and
jealous of Adam's position. Thus he tempted Eve in order to gain Adam's
position as son of God through becoming the husband to God's daughter.
Does that make sense?
Date 02-19-92 07:52:00
From Terry Blount
To Steven Headley
Subject D&D
SH> what we are talking about. Monopoly MAY have a "benefit" that
SH> is both positive (learning to manage one's money) or negative
SH> (teaching that 'he who has the most money wins.')
Whoever dies with the most toys wins !
Date 02-19-92 08:01:00
From Terry Blount
To Tony Nasrallah
Subject What the Bible says about
TN> Why would it be necessary for God that an innocent third party
TN> suffer for one's sins?
The world, like the human body, in inner connected. If one part of your
body rebels against the whole purpose of the body then the rest of the
body suffers. It was NOT necessary that the Jewish people opposed the
will of God and MURDERED Jesus. However once this part of society's
body rebelled and failed to support the purpose of the coming of the
messiah, everyone else suffered as a consequence... especially God and
the Messiah.
Traditional christianity is confused about the purpose of the coming of
the Messiah. Jesus came to save sinners and restore man back to the
original position before the fall. Jesus had the power on earth to
forgive sins. The only way to restore true love is to restore true Adam
and true Eve and then build a true family. It is evident that Satan was
happy to invade Judas and participate in the crucifixion of Christ.
Satan did not do this because he was stupid. Satan was fiercely afraid
that Jesus would get married and father children. If Christ was your
daddy then you just might be born sinless. Sinless children grow up to
become messiahs. I am SURE that Satan did not want to deal with more
Look at the consequences of the crucifixion: the Jewish people have
suffered, Jesus' followers have suffered, but most of all God has
suffered. Christ came to make all things new but when the people
refused to follow and then went on to kill him, it put the recreation of
the world on hold till Christ could come again.
Date 02-19-92 17:46:00
From Terry Blount
To Philip Brown
Subject THE "NEW" MAN
PB> TB> MAT 7:21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord,
PB> shall TB> enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth
PB> the will of TB> my Father which is in heaven.
PB> ~~~~~~~~
PB> What is the "will" of the Father:
To fulfill the three blessings:
GEN 1:28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful,
MAT 5:48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father
which is in heaven is perfect.
and multiply, and replenish the earth,
1TH 4:3 For this is the will of God, [even] your
sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication:
and subdue it: and have dominion
MAT 6:10 Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as
[it is] in heaven.
When the give and take between a person's mind and body are God
centered, that person becomes the dwelling place of God... God's temple.
That person would be a person like Jesus who has fulfilled the first
/ \
Mind + Body
\ /
When such a man and woman are blessed in marriage by God they can
multiply to creat a God centered family. That is the second blessing.
/ \
Perfect + Perfect
Man Woman
\ /
When perfect people enter into give and take with the creation which has
never fallen from God we can see the realization of the Kingdom of
Heaven on earth. That is the third blessing.
/ \
Perfect the
People + Creation
\ /
Heaven on
Date 02-19-92 20:21:00
From Terry Blount
To Martin Fontenot
Subject Address
MF> Oh, and Terry, the poor we shall have with us always....but
MF> they are always our responisbility.
Yes, and give a man a fish and feed him for a day or teach him to fish
and feed him the rest of his life.
Date 02-19-92 20:23:00
From Terry Blount
To Steve Klemetti
Subject Bible Interpretation!
SK> Terry, it would seem that this "new expression of the truth"
SK> would not mean that the Bible is lacking in anything that God
SK> wants us to know.
Not to me. If that is the case then why would the New Testament be
necessary. It is impossible for you to tell your young children
everything they need to know about life and marriage. The Bible doesn't
even begin to tell us what will happen after the marriage of the Lamb.
Do you know how to raise sinless children? I know that at least a few
more chapters are necessary. Pray about it.
SK> God has included everything He wants us to
SK> know concerning Christian life and salvation in principle in the
SK> Bible, but the holy spirit would help people who are willing to
SK> submit to God to know and understand these things. Not everyone
SK> has that spirit acting upon them that is why they do not follow
SK> the Bible and have the good news that is to be preached in the
SK> Last Days. Because people do not have God's spirit acting upon
SK> them they are not preaching about God's kingdom in these last
SK> days.
Far be it from me to pass judgement on your relationship with God. I'm
having enough difficulty in getting myself right with God and following
the narrow path. I have to repent and try harder. In two years of
reading this conference I never saw one person repent. It seems we all
have been "lulled" asleep and took attitude that it is the other guy
that must change.
Date 02-19-92 20:31:00
From Terry Blount
To Steve Klemetti
Subject Biblical Interpretation
SK> JS>First, the Bible has never claimed to be the SOLE record of
SK> JS>the totality of God's words to the human race.
SK> It would seem that the Bible does make that claim. In Rev 21:18
SK> it says that no one is to add to the things in the scrolls.
SK> Since Jehovah God gave the Revelation to John, John and the
SK> others at that time must have had sufficient scripture to
SK> understand it and to that that would be enough. Then they also
SK> had the holy spirit and the congregations and the overseers to
SK> help them to understand God's word. Thus what was written at
SK> that time as inspired scripture was sufficent for the
SK> congregations.
Why did you disregart the same warning in the Old Testament and allow
the New Testament to be appended?
DEU 4:2 Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither
shall ye diminish [ought] from it, that ye may keep the commandments of
the LORD your God which I command you.
I can also see that you did not know that the book of Revelation was
written before other books that were included in the New Testament. If
you really believe that the book of Revelation has the last word then
you shoud take out I and II Peter, Hebrews, I and II Timothy, Titus, II
Thessalonians, Ephesian, and the Gospel and Epistles of John.
Date 02-19-92 20:47:00
From Terry Blount
To Steve Klemetti
Subject heaven
SK> covenant. Thus neither, your doctrine, nor mine will get us
SK> into heaven, but only God's will will.
So how can we find God's doctrine? Could it be that we have to listen
to God speaking in each other. Could Cain's offering be accepted
without Abel's help?
GEN 4:7 If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou
doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee [shall be] his
desire, and thou shalt rule over him.
Date 02-19-92 20:53:00
From Terry Blount
To Steven Headley
Subject Okay....
SH> Okay, SOMEBODY has to ask this question, and I haven't seen
SH> it on the Board yet, so I thought I'd inquire.
SH> How was your trip to Russia??
It was a great trip. If you have never experienced praying with former
atheist then you should go and find out what it is like. I heard a lot
of praying in tongues. ha ha I can't speak Russian.
I got to know 7 students who attended a seminar. The Russian people
have really suffered a lot. I hope America can share a portion of the
material blessings God has given us and help them get back on their
feet. The situation there is most miserable. The average Russian has
to work 10 hrs to earn enough for a pound of chicken. And to buy a pair
of shoes takes 3 months of salary.
I hope to go back someday and find the situation has improved. Please
pray for these people. They are in worse shape economically than any
3rd world country I have visited.
Date 02-19-92 21:02:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject The End Is Near
WC> I certainly agree with this. I will even say that 1992 will
WC> be even more eventful than 1991. We will see even greater things
WC> happen and they will happen at an accelerated pace.
Mat 16:3
Date 02-19-92 21:06:00
From Terry Blount
To Steve Klemetti
Subject Trinity
SK> You are wrong. Jesus was called the last Adam in the Bible.
SK> That does not only mean that Jesus is like Adam, but that also
SK> means that Jesus becomes the father of saved mankind. He
SK> becomes their father by replacing Adam as the one providing
SK> everlasting life.
You are right. But where is the last Eve. Where is True Mother?
Date 02-20-92 09:06:00
From Terry Blount
To Roger Slate
Subject Zach
RS> You say that Zacharias was the earthly father of Jesus? Try
RS> reading Luke chap 1. Zacharias was the Father of John the
RS> Baptist. Try some glasses or something. I can't believe it's
RS> that hard to see.
Yes, Zach was John's father, so Jesus and John were half-brothers. I
believe that Zach was Jesus' father, but you don't have to.
You must have been waiting on my return from Russia because I have not
written anything about this subject for almost 2 months. Has the
thought of Christ being born of earthly parents worried you? What
difference would it make? Why was Jesus born of a woman? Does that
also give you a problem? Maybe it is easier to believe in Christ if he
falls out of the sky. That apparently is what it would take to convince
people today that Christ had returned. Even the most modern
denominations of christianity like Jw's, Pentecostals, and Mormonism are
still thinking that God will send Christ back like an astronauts. Is
that really necessary? Is it really believable?
Satan always works to separate man from God. One way of doing that is
to tell you that Jesus was born from a miracle. This has the
subconscious effect of telling you that you can never become Christ-like
because you had a father. So even those people who believe that God is
their father still think God is way off in the clouds and thus
unapproachable. I can tell you that that is not the case. God is
living with me. The more I make effort to purify myself and live for
the sake of God and mankind, the more I can experience the heart of God.
God is NOT unapproachable. The dwelling of God IS with men. Satan does
not want us to know this.
If you really want to know why a rational thinking person such as myself
<grin> has difficulty in believing in that "virgin birth" myth, then
consider this:
None of the writes of the New Testament thought Jesus was born from a
virgin. Only the one reference in Matthew to the prophecy in Isaiah
mentions virgin. Doesn't it strike you to be rather strange that these
people who were giving a first hand account of Jesus' life would
overlook and fail to mention this most astonishing idea? If you were
writing about me and you thought I was born of a virgin would you leave
that out of my autobiography? I think not. That would be on page one.
This term 'virgin' in Isaiah means young woman, and NOT that a woman had
not had any experience with a man.
Second, have you ever read about what Mary did when she got the
revelation that she was to be the handmaiden of the Lord? She went in
haste to the house of Zacharias.
LUK 1:38 And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto
me according to thy word. And the angel departed from her. And Mary
arose in those days, and went into the hill country with haste, into a
city of Juda; And entered into the house of Zacharias, and saluted
Maybe you forgot that Abraham, Jacob, and other men who where chosen by
God, had more than one wife. You did know that Joseph was troubled
because he knew that he wasn't the father of the unborn Jesus.
The only reason I bother to discuss this issue is in hopes that people
will be able think more deeply an be able to recognize Christ at his
return. Since scripture tells us that he will come as a thief in the
night, and that we must pray constantly so we are not found sleeping,
many people are going to miss the Second Advent. They are going to miss
the opportunity to serve Christ and be adopted into his kingdom when he
first arrives. If you want to get in on the ground floor of the
construction of the kingdom of God on earth you need to start praying
NOW. You have already missed the first 40 years of opportunity to work
shoulder to shoulder with the Messiah. How disappointing it will be to
your children when they find out that you were living on the earth at
the time of the second coming and you missed it. I will keep this
message for them and let them see that I am telling you today, February
20, 1992 that you are living in the last days and Christ is upon the
earth. I know you can't believe me, but you do know how to pray. If
you failed to pray about this and find the truth, you will be without
LUK 18:8 I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless
when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?
Date 02-20-92 17:37:00
From Terry Blount
To Brian Henderson
Subject D&D
BH> First off, the Biblical verse says "Thou shalt not MURDER."
BH> There is an AWFUL lot of killing going on in the Bible, you'll
BH> have to admit, most of it being commanded by your God.
Are you saying that two wrongs make a right?
BH> Secondly, the vast majority of the killing going on in D&D is
BH> the "vanquishing the bad guys" type.
ROM 12:21 Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.
I don't oppose your faith because I think I am holy. I oppose D&D type
stuff because I never heard anyone from your group repent or offer to
sacrifice their time and energy to save their enemies. Am I missing
something? Convert me if I am wrong. I surely don't trust the media or
traditional christianity. Look how they both have beat up on my minster
Rev. Moon. Are they doing the same to your faith?
Date 02-20-92 17:46:00
From Terry Blount
To Brian Henderson
Subject D&D
wc> >>that do. The spirit world absolutely exists. Not all of them
wc> are >>friendly. The vast majority of those that come into
wc> contact with >>man
wc> >>certainly are do not have his best interests at heart.
BH> Oh, Walter? And how many of these spirit worlds have you
BH> personally visited?
BH> Please try not to be so blindly dogmatic.
For once I have to agree with Walter. ( Don't faint Walter ) Actually
it is not dogmatic but only practical and logical. If 90% of the people
who have lived were selfish ( and I'm SURE the number is even higher ),
what is the chances of you attracting a good spirit when you invite
"spirits" to visit ? If 1 out of 10 people who jumped off the Golden
Gate Bridge lived to tell about it would you want to try that too?
Before you get too carried away with the excitement of playing with the
dead, I suggest you first consider that you will probably be dead for a
long time but you only have a short time to live on earth. Second I
suggest you pick upt he book "The Uniquiet Dead" by Dr. Edith Fiore and
read it.
From my own religious beliefs, I think that man was opened to the
spiritual world at the beginning before the fall of man and likewise at
the last days of the history of evil, which are also the first days of
goodness, the spiritual senses of man will begin to reopen. This
phenomena will cause a very high rate of insanity, confusion, and other
mental problems. People won't know how to deal with so many strange
thoughts that they will start picking up from the spiritual world. Only
the people who have a good ancestry lineage to protect them or the
people who have discovered the way to pray and repel the evil influence
will be able to have dominion over their life. If you think you
are strong enough to deal with the influence of whatever spirits come
your way, then take a chance and conjure them up. But remember that
your freedom is at stake. Possession is possible and possessed people
have lost their freedom to the alien spirit(s).
Date 02-20-92 18:05:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject D&D
WC> There is certainly a link between pornography and the spirit world
as WC> there frequently is between D&D and the spirit world. The spirits
WC> involved are not friendly toward man.
MV> What is the link between pornography and the spirit world!? One
MV> may reasonably
MV> argue that pornography is a bad thing, but what does the spirit
MV> world got to do with anything?
See why I taught you the Divine Principle? Without understanding the
resurrection of spirit men you cannot answer their questions.
Date 02-20-92 18:09:00
From Terry Blount
To Brian Henderson
Subject Fundamentalist
BH> Let's face it. What is a Christian? Someone who follows
BH> Christ. Nothing more. Therefore, if someone can justify
BH> through a reading of the Bible that
BH> their belief in Christ is just as valid as yours, even if it is
BH> vastly differentthan yours,
BH> they are indeed a Christian. The differences come in the
BH> various denominationsof Christians.
You are trying to take a rational approach to deal with Walter but that
won't work. Pentecostals are anti-intellectual. That does not mean
that they are stupid, but that they simply feel on need for faith and
reason to exist in harmony. I have tried to rationally discuss issues
with Walter for over 2 years and it is like pouring water on a duck's
back. Walter is a good man but his views will not change with reason.
Date 02-20-92 18:13:00
From Terry Blount
To Brian Henderson
Subject God
BH> Absolutely true. Of course, logically, if you or I have arrived
^^ products of the
reformation do not need
harmony between faith and
reason. They were reacting
to the period called the
Enlightenment. The age of
reason left many people void
of emotion so a counter
movement resulted.
BH> at our respecti"belief" systems through empirical or logical
BH> means, who is to say if you
BH> or I are right, since our systems are diametrically opposed.
BH> Brian Henderson ** I'd become a Fundamentalist if I **
BH> ** could ignore reality **
Great tagling.
In order to understand Walter and other such christians that are often
referred to as "dopy fundamentalist" you have to take a look at man's
basic nature. First people seek to satisfy their physical needs through
science and technology. The early greek culture witnessed this trend in
the thought that was called Hellenism. Out of this external way of
thinking came the Renaissance then the Enlightenment with the great
thinkers like Descartes, Locke, Hebert, Staus, Feuerbach, Marx, Engles
and Lenin. Ultimately the pure rational, materialistic view of life
resulted in the French and Bolshevik revolution then Communism was born.
Communism was simply a religion that threw out God and put man at the
center. It didn't work.
Next, we can note that man not only has external needs that we seek
to satisfy through science and technology, but also internal needs like
the quest for truth about our origin and purpose, and other needs like
beauty and goodness. Man seeks to satisfy these needs through religion
and philosophy. The early greek culture witnessed this trend in the
though that was called Hebraism. Out of this internal way of thinking
came a spiritual view of life, first the Reformation then the Awakenings
with the great thinkers like Spener, Wesley, Fox, Edwards, Kant, Fichte,
Schelling, and Hegel. Ultimately this view of life lead to the American
Revolution and Democracy. Unfortunately Democracy will not work because
a system that is based simply on the idea that the majority wins will
result in the minority getting trampled.
So we need a new truth that will harmonize faith and reason. Out of
the conflict between the Renaissance and the Reformation we saw the
breakdown of the political structure we called Feudalism. This struggle
resulted in a Monarchy where people finally gained the right to share
ownership of land and they could keep a percentage of the fruits of
their efforts. Later the struggle and conflict between the Enlightenment
and the Awakenings broke down the political structure of monarchy and
democracy was born. Since progression is made like a man walks, first
with the foot of external need then the foot of internal need, we are
waiting on the next step. The last step was taken in 1917 when
communism was born. The time has come for an internal reaction that
will break down democracy and establish a higher political system.
We need a new truth from God to reawaken man's internal desire to
create goodness and to challenge the purely materialistic view of life.
This new view will appear at first to be a spiritual view, but the
extreme spiritualist like Walter and other fundamentalist will say it is
too external. At the same time people who have lost faith in religion
will say this view is too spiritual and will never work. Everyone will
give this new ideology hell. Would you like to be a part of such a
controversial movement? I can tell you that everyone will think you are
crazy, but at the same time I can guarantee you that you will have the
last laugh.
Date 02-20-92 19:52:00
From Terry Blount
To Brian Henderson
Subject UFO's
BH> I wonder if you meant to write what you ended up doing. God can
BH> do no wrong,
BH> therefore, no matter what he does, it is not wrong because God
BH> can do no wrong. Excellent circular reasoning, Walter. God CAN
BH> do evil, otherwise he is not omnipotent.
BH> Now if he CHOOSES not to do so, that's well and good, but
BH> putting your diety into a little shoebox and then declaring he
BH> has no limitations is ludicrouOf course God can lie. Of course
BH> he can murder. Look at the Bible and
BH> see all the murders
BH> he has not only supported and commanded, but those that he has,
BH> himself, instituted. But then again, he did it so it isn't
BH> wrong, right?
BH> >> God does not violate a person's will. It they purpose
BH> (will) >>do
BH> >>evil He will not violate their will. The assumption that the
BH> >>worst
BH> >>thing that can happen is death is not correct. Do you have
BH> >>evidence
BH> >>that those killed by the Holocaust are not presently in a
BH> better >>place
BH> >>and enjoying themselves?
BH> >>
BH> Of course I don't have such evidence. No one does. But if that
BH> is your contention, why not support abortion? After all, all
BH> the fetuses are in a better place enjoying themselves.
Your rational responses on both of these replies is marvelous. However
Walter does not respond to logic.
This does not mean I agree with you. There is evidence that God made a
mistake when we read that He repented when he made man on the earth...
Gen 6:6, and again when He made Saul king... 1SA 15:35 However, if
it is possible to restore a person after he/she has died, then killing
an evil person may be a good thing. How do you stand on the death
penalty? I'm from Alabama, and like most southern states, we have a
saying: "He needed killing". Yes, sometimes folks need killing. So is
killing always bad or wrong. If you kill someone to take their money it
would be wrong, but if you killed the same person who had forcefully
entered your home and was a threat to your family we would have to
debate that.... and if you killed the same person to protect and defend
the American flag then we possibly might hang a medal on your chest.
Often good and evil cannot be decided by only observing the actions. I
suppose we can argue the merit of God's mercy against the fear of His
wrath for a long time. I hope we can learn to live together peacefully
and allow God to work through His secret agent, our conscious, and put
an end to the need to answer the question: If God is all powerful and
good then why does evil exist.
BTW, I don't think God is all powerful. He can't make a rock so big
that He can't lift it.
Date 02-21-92 08:14:00
From Terry Blount
To Jason Steck
Subject Biblical Interpretation
JS> The Bible was not created until over 300 years after Revelations was
written. At that time, a council met and voted on which writings
would be placed into the single-volume Bible. I suggest you study
historical facts before making theological assumptions based on
insufficient information.
I think you are expecting too much of brother STEVE KLEMETTI. If only
those who were qualified to make theological assumptions based on
sufficient information were allowed to enter messages then the readers
of this conference would soon get tired of reading only messages between
you and me. <grin>
This is the only conference where a person can pick up a Bible,
read a few verses and become an expert overnight. You can't get away
with doing that in a programming conference.
Date 02-21-92 08:25:00
From Terry Blount
To Bill Cribbs
Subject D&D
BC> The point I want to make is this: When a "seed" is planted
BC> through our five senses into the mind, we are either sowing to
BC> our flesh or to our spirit. (Galatians 6:7-9). If we sow to
BC> our flesh, neglecting the spirit, the flesh will reign, and
BC> vice-versa. Then there is the type of seed sown. If you sow
BC> bad seed (looking at, participating in, listening to any thing
BC> that is not edifying to your spirit), it will feed the fleshly
BC> part of your being. On the other hand, if you so good seed
BC> (reading the Word, listening to good things, meditating on good
BC> things) you are mortifying the appetites of the flesh, bringing
BC> them in subjection and building your spirit man, that IT may
BC> reign.
BC> This law of sowing and reaping can be applied to EVERYTHING in
BC> our life. Our tithes and offerings to the Kingdom of God. Our
BC> friends and family. We must always go about sowing good seed
BC> whether it be TIME, DEEDS, or SUBSTANCE.
BC> Bill Cribbs
Most excellent. It's unfortunate that someone will most likely tell you
that you are preaching works for salvation. The main problem with
modern christianity is that they don't understand man's portion of
responsibility. I hope they will listen to you.
Date 02-21-92 08:33:00
From Terry Blount
To Vail Rodney
VR> PB> What about when the Bible talks about an
VR> PB> "unclean" spirit??? Should we consider them 'power sources'
VR> that PB> are generated by Satan?
VR> No. They are individual fallen angels or demons. They were
VR> created by God
Not exactly. You must realize that God is much like a farmer. He plants
the good seed, but somewhere along the way the seed exercises it's
freedom to develop according to principles other than those that follow
the law for perfection. As a result, they develop a flaw. Normally the
farmer would come along and pull up such 'weeds' and throw them into the
fire. However God has decided not to do this. Instead, He believes His
children would see their mistakes and exercise their freedom to fulfill
their portion of responsibility. God did not create the deformed beings
like fallen angels and fallen people who become demons when they finish
their life and depart into the spiritual world.
We need to realize that God gave man, and angels to a lesser degree, the
power of creativity. When God shared His creativity, He no longer
became the "Creator of ALL things." In reality, God took on a partner
in His business of creating. Like many businesses that take on a
partner, the new partner did not have the vision and responsible
attitude of the founding partner. Like many business leaders get the
blame for the mistakes of their partner(s), God has gotten the blame for
the suffering and mistakes of His children. Look at our world today. If
you go out to the store and someone runs into your car, the first thing
most people say is "Why did you do this to me God?" God has a serious
P.R. problem. He needs a good p.r. man and woman to let people know
that He is not the reason for our suffering. We have violated spiritual
laws and we are suffering the consequences. That is not punishment. It
is called cause <-> effect.
Date 02-21-92 17:28:00
From Terry Blount
To Philip Brown
Subject Works
PB> You are presuming that Ron is saying that God is going to
PB> abolish the Law. Neither of us believe that. Ron is saying
PB> that Jesus has PAID for the sins that we have committed. There
PB> is a difference. If I was to break the law by driving over 70
PB> miles an hour, and was arrested, it would be wrong for the judge
PB> to release me just because I am his son. But on the other hand,
PB> he could feel free to PAY for my tickets [plural], and then have
PB> me released. Likewise, I would be wrong for Jesus to throw
PB> out the Law in order to free us [ie. salvation], but it would
PB> not be wrong for him to PAY for our sins, and then allow us to
PB> be released. Jesus PAID for our SINS by being a atonement for
PB> our sins.
This is a most interesting analogy. And to some extent I agree, but I
have noted that children of parents who pay for every mistake they make
will always lack in their character development. I wonder how sensitive
to the heart of God a person can become it they are so willing to allow
God or Christ pay for their mistakes? Teenagers are anxious to allow,
and even ask, their parents to pay for the things they want, but Adults
have a different attitude about their parents. Who has the deepest
relationship with their parents: the person who thinks their parents
should be responsible for their needs OR the person who understands
their parents heart and tries to take care of their parents?
Date 02-21-92 23:59:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject What the Bible says abou
TB>Jesus' followers have suffered, but most of all God has suffered.
WC> Scriptural evidence that God suffers or has ever suffered.
JOH 11:35 Jesus wept.
GEN 6:6 And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth,
and it grieved him at his heart.
You have no idea how many tears God has shead for His lost children.
How many tears have you shead for God? You will never know God's grief
and God's sorrow till you pray so deeply that you shead tears for God.
You may not yet be mature enough to deal with this reality and God has
kept His suffering hidden from your eyes.
Date 02-22-92 07:38:00
From Terry Blount
To Tony Nasrallah
Subject What the Bible says abou
TN> TB> that Jesus would get married and father children. If Christ
TN> was your TB> daddy then you just might be born sinless. Sinless
TN> children grow up to I am not sure what you mean by 'sinless' in
TN> this context? Can children be born 'sinful'? Sin requires a
TN> conscious rejection of what is right - something that infants
TN> are not capable of. (It has been argued that projectile
TN> vomiting is a sin, but that is a weak argument - there is no
TN> conscious decision involved. ;-)
1CO 15:22 For as in Adam all die
So my birth was no different from Jesus' ? If everyone was indeed born
sinless like Jesus, I find it quite remarkable that he was the only
person who was able to attain perfection. If scientist are close in
their estimation that over 25 BILLION people have once walked the earth
how can we think that Jesus was simply "lucky" in that he could do
something that no other person could do. Maybe Jesus won son kind of
lottery? A one in a 25,000,000,000,000 kind of guy.
JOH 8:42 Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me
TB> Look at the consequences
TB> of the crucifixion: the Jewish people have suffered, Jesus'
TB> followers have suffered, but most of all God has suffered.
TN> Unless I am
TN> mistaken, Christianity teaches that it is through death and
TN> suffering of Jesus on the cross that salvation is achieved - the
TN> crucifixion was the essential part of the entire scheme.
There was a better way that christianity doesn't understand. The death
on the cross brought partial, limited salvation. We are still waiting
for the return of Christ for total liberation. Like St. Paul, we are
all waiting: ROM 7:24 O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me
from the body of this death?
Jesus' death did opened the way for spiritual salvation. But the will
of God was for the people to believe in Jesus. JOH 6:29 Jesus answered
and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom
he hath sent. God prepared the chosen people to accept the coming
Messiah. God gave revelations to many people including John the Baptist
who came in the spirit and power of Elijah to make straight the way of
the Lord. However, no one accepted Jesus as the messiah; JOH 1:11 He
came unto his own, and his own received him not.
What would have happened if the people had not failed? They would have
had faith in Jesus and he would have not been murdered. Jesus could
have restored a woman to take responsibility for the failure of Eve.
This woman would have become the true mother of mankind, and with Jesus
as the true father, they could established an ideal family. Their
children would not have needed to be reborn, they would have been born
right the first time.
We know that fallen man is not born in God's lineage. The only way to
fix this problem is to bring children into the lineage of God. Without
true parents this is not possible. So, God sends the Messiah to fulfill
the role of perfected Adam, making all things new. Had Jesus been
accepted he would have brought both spiritual AND PHYSICAL salvation.
There would have been no need for the second coming of Christ. The long
awaited marriage of the Lamb would have occurred 2,000 years ago.
Date 02-22-92 13:52:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject The End Is Near
WC> TB>Mat 16:3
WC> Matthew 16:3 And in the morning, [It will be] foul weather to
WC> day: for the sky is red and lowring. O [ye] hypocrites, ye can
WC> discern the face of the sky; but can ye not [discern] the signs
WC> of the times? That is exactly the case. I am a meteorologist
WC> by profession and trained to make such discernments. Through the
WC> Holy Spirit which dwells within the spiritual times are also
WC> discernible. Thus, I say that the end is near. <:-)
But you don't know what the end will bring. You haven't understood that
the last days of evil are also the first days of goodness. Just as
Jesus walked the earth for 33 years and no one really believed he was
the messiah, a similar situation is happening right now. I've told you
the mission of the messiah is to restore the family. He must marry and
then he will have sinless children. You never prayed about this. You
HAVE to get serious in prayer. Had the religious Jewish people prayed
they would have been able to recognize the Messiah.
The worse thing one can do is think they know what God is going to do.
Jesus clearly said you must be as a child. Children don't prejudge.
They are open. Since you are older and set in your ways and think you
can interpret the scripture correctly, the only hope God has in reaching
you is through your prayers. Pray Walter.
Date 02-22-92 14:17:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Zacharias
WC> TB>Yes, Zach was John's father, so Jesus and John were
WC> half-brothers. TB>I believe that Zach was Jesus' father, but you
WC> don't have to. I can be believed but such a belief cannot be
WC> supported by either Scripture or history. The Scripture is very
WC> clear that God is the Father of Jesus and not a human man.
WC> Neither was Zacharias the High
JOH 16:25 These things have I spoken unto you in proverbs: but the
time cometh, when I shall no more speak unto you in proverbs, but I
shall shew you plainly of the Father.
Date 02-23-92 08:03:00
From Terry Blount
To Brian Henderson
Subject D&D
BH> What does this have to do with anything? Your own diety can't
BH> play by the rules that he set down for man, your Bible is full
BH> of mass murder in the name of God, yet you oppose a simple game
BH> that happens to include a bit of violence? I call
BH> that rather hypocritical, don't you?
Yes it is hypocritical. I can't defend the Bible where it says God told
someone to kill. It is a disturbing question for me, especially since I
have have come to know the heart of God. We believe that God destroyed
the people of Sodom and Gomorrah. We know that God tried to kill Moses.
We also believe that God has the power to remove diseases like AIDS from
out society. Sin of omission is just as serious as sin of commission.
Maybe man needs to forgive God? How do you suppose we can reconnect to
our original parent? Don't you want to go home?
I suppose I question the validity of these Old Testament writings. The
God of the New Testament as well as the God of the new revelation
(Divine Principle) does not fit this description. Possibly man's
understanding of God has changed from fear that God was out to "get"
people for their mistakes to the understanding I now have that God is
truly our Father. Would any loving parent seek to kill their children?
How would a loving parent seek to protect their children? I know I am
not supposed to kill, but if an intruder came into my home and
threatened my children I would try to KILL him.
I wonder why you are participating in this conference? I haven't read
enough of your messages to get a feel for where you are coming from. Are
you here to expose the faults of religion? Are you here to promote your
own faith? I hope you didn't come here expecting to find new players
for D&D. <grin> You may not find the soil so fertile as you may find
in another conference.
Date 02-23-92 08:28:00
From Terry Blount
To Brian Henderson
Subject evidence
BH> Maybe it would help if you looked at the evidence. There are
BH> many areas of the world which bear evidence of having been
BH> covered with water at one point. Of course, these areas were
BH> covered at DIFFERENT TIMES, and in many cases, these floods
BH> were millions of years apart. The Biblical flood myth is just
BH> that... a MYTH!
Hang on a sec. Did you know that the primary diet of prehistoric man
was fish? Where did these people to live? Obviously people who ate
fish lived near the water. (No one has discovered prehistoric
refrigerated trucks.) So from the viewpoint of everyone who lived near
the water, a rise in sea level... like the one coming through global
warming, would have the appearance that the whole world was flooded.
There are many area, even like my hometown in Alabama, that have fossil
remains of sea creatures even though it is 260 ft. above current sea
level. Many scientist hold the view that at one time most of the earth
was covered by water. There is evidence of a non-mythical flood.
Date 02-23-92 08:36:00
From Terry Blount
To Alan Smith
Subject Free Will
AS> WC> Man is no a preprogrammed biological robot.
AS> For an opposing viewpoint, check out the field of science called
AS> "sociobiology."They provide evidence that indicates that human
AS> behavior is largely (and
AS> possibly completely) determined by biology.
Sounds like a twist on the Marxist ideology that says man is a product
of his environment. 70 + years of testing this theory proved it to be
incorrect. Human behavior is determined by the moral character of
individual humans. Primarily they inherited this from the moral
character of their parents. If you want to change human nature,
establish a new family ethic. Teach people to be mature, responsible and
unselfish before they marry and procreate. Change the individual and
you will change the world. There is one individual you do have the
power to change... YOURSELF. You and I think we are ok, but we must
find the highest standard to compare ourselves with. I know we can find
room for change. Mainly we have to reestablish mind body unity, with
our mind at the center. The problems of the world are merely a
reflection of the disharmony between the mind and body of the
individual. Biology isn't going to fix this, it will take discipline.
We must seek to strengthen our mind so it can dominate our bodies. That
is why all religions have taught prayer, fasting, and self sacrifice. If
we adopt such a life style we can strengthen our mind, centered on
spiritual values, and bring ourselves into proper harmony. If a few
people do this the world will change.
Date 02-23-92 08:50:00
From Terry Blount
To Brian Henderson
Subject Fundamentalist
BH> I'll agree with you there, however, I am rapidly coming to the
BH> conclusion that to some degree ALL Christians are like that.
BH> They already know what is "right" even if it is wrong.
I often want to give up too but I have faith that they can be
reeducated. Maybe one or two of them will pray about what we tell them
and God can help?
Date 02-23-92 13:54:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Romans 1:32
WC> Despite this original knowledge, people continue to practice
WC> these sins. To add insult to injury, they not only practice them
WC> but also approve of others who practice them either in real life
WC> or imagi- nary. They take pleasure in and encourage the sins of
WC> others. For example, modern society openly approves of sexual
WC> immorality and violence in movies and on television and also in
WC> D & D. This sinful progression is an accurate portrayal of
WC> human history from the Book of Genesis onward. In fact, the
WC> Bible describes the last days as particularly evil (Matthew
WC> 14:5-14); 11 Timothy 3:1-9). The degenerative principle also
WC> applies in every society and every age. Occasionally in history,
WC> a society founded on high moral principles has emerged, but it
WC> has always followed this downward path. As a society breaks down
WC> morally, it becomes more and more conducive to the sins
WC> described. For this reason, many of these sins are more
WC> prevalent and more openly accepted in our day than in times
WC> past. For this reason, many of them are signs of the end time.
WC> This degenerative principle is evident in individual human
WC> lives as well. If a person refuses to walk in the light he has,
WC> he will grow progressively more sinful. It is impossible to stay
WC> the same after encountering truth; one either accepts it and
WC> draws closer to God or rejects it and strays farther from God.
WC> This does not necessarily mean every wayward individual will
WC> live out in detail every step or every sin listed, but the
WC> potential is certainly there. In summary, we should note the
WC> logical nature of this progres- sion; one stage leads naturally
WC> to the next. Furthermore, the progres- sion is always downward.
WC> This downward progression into the depths of degradation begins
WC> with what may seem to be small sins: refusal to worship God and
WC> unthankfulness. People become depraved because they refuse to
WC> walk according to the light given them. Without the re-
WC> straining grace of God, mankind never improves morally or even
WC> remains stable. If left alone by God, man will always fall
WC> deeper and deeper into sin.
WC> Because the Gentiles forsook the knowledge of God. God did
WC> not restrain them from increasing sinfulness. Consequently, the
WC> Gentile world stands guilty without excuse in the sight of God.
A big AMEN Walter. Well thought out, well written and undeniably true.
Date 02-23-92 19:32:00
From Terry Blount
To Vail Rodney
VR> VR> No. They are individual fallen angels or demons. They were
VR> VR> created by God
VR> TB> Not exactly.
VR> What I meant to say was, God created angels (and man), but when
VR> he created them they originally were perfect.
I don't think something that was perfect would contradict its purpose
for creation. In other words, if Adam, Eve and Lucifer were perfect
they could not have fallen. I realize they were created sinless, but if
a perfected being were to sin, we would have to question if God Himself
could sin. I believe Adam and Eve were in a growing stage. Everything
goes through a period of time in its creation. So nothing is created
perfect without going through a formation and growth stage. It was
during this period that Adam and Eve made their mistake. Man had a
unique position in the Cosmos. Man was to stand in the position of
ruler or Lord of Creation. The true position of rulership only belongs
to the creator, so God had to give man the responsibility to do
something to qualify for this position. All the creation grows to
perfection automatically, but humans must fulfill a portion of
responsibility in order to attain their own perfection. This is why we
read that God gave the commandment to Adam and Eve. There was no
commandment give to any other beings, only man. Man was to participate
in his/her own perfection by keeping the commandment. This would have
qualified man to stand in the position to rule the rest of creation.
VR> Too many people would like to shift responsibility away from
VR> themselves and let God take the blame for their actions. This
VR> would allow them to do whatever they desired, be it good or
VR> evil, and they would not have to suffer
VR> the consequences of their actions. What a convenient concept
VR> this is.
That is exactly correct. The last person we want to reform is ourself.
Date 02-23-92 20:14:00
From Terry Blount
To Vail Rodney
VR> If God wants anyone to know the truth, He will let them know.
VR> Until the truth has been revealed to a person, God will not hold
VR> that person responsible. This would be unfair. God is loving and
VR> more the fair.
This is partially true. Since man made the mistake that caused
separation from God, it is really man that must initiate the return. For
this reason we read where Jesus said "seek and ye shall find, knock and
the door shall be opened."
Let's say you were alive at the time of Jesus and you heard his
followers saying that Jesus was the messiah. Are you responsible to dig
deep into this rumor and ask God, or do you simply wait for God to send
the dove and speak to you like He did with John the Baptist?
Who did Jesus indicate would be most glorified: John the Baptist
( read Mat 11:11 ) or the woman who anointed Jesus' head with oil (
read Luk 7:47 )? Jesus never forgave John for his sins.
I'm afraid we will have to suffer the consequences of violating
spiritual law even if we don't know about then. If we are ignorant of
physical law and we fall out of our crib as a baby, we still will suffer
the pain of falling on our head. Don't ask me if my momma dropped me
when I was a baby. <grin>
Date 02-23-92 20:26:00
From Terry Blount
To Daniel Osborn
Subject Kingdom Interlinear
> ... May God grant you an interview. --Job 40:1-5
DO> Some of us find this blasphemous Just thought you should know.
You don't want an interview with God? What is blasphemous about
wanting to meet your father? I want an interview, any time any place!
Tell God he can call me even when I'm sound asleep at 2:30 in the
morning. I will get up happily to talk to Him. I want to be loved.
If you call to say you love me, you can even call at 3:30 am. Better
not take God's time slot. <grin>
Date 02-23-92 20:32:00
From Terry Blount
To Vail Rodney
Subject sabbath
VR> The things that were changed when Christ died on the cross were:
VR> 1. Order of Priesthood
VR> 2. Circumcision
VR> 3. Sacrifices
4. Satan depossessed Judas because he was successful in preventing Jesus
from marrying and establishing a sinless family.
5. The Messiah would have to return to bring physical salvation to
6. Sacrifices were changed from offering material objects to the
offering of God's adopted children (christians).
7. God would continue to suffer for several thousand years.
8. The chosen people would face the most horrible atrocities as a result
of their failure to fulfill their responsibility to protect the Son of
9. Satan would continue to dominate man's physical body and cause
unspeakable suffering to humanity.
Date 02-23-92 20:40:00
From Terry Blount
To Vail Rodney
VR> God tells us to prove all things, as shown in the verses above.
VR> A christian should do what God tells them to do, and not simply
VR> accept ideas which are handed down through tradition simply
VR> because many may believe such an idea. I have studied the
VR> Trinity concept in depth, and have not discovered enough solid
VR> evidence to support it. It is just another fantasy created by
VR> man.
I don't agree with the traditional teaching of the trinity either. I
absolutely agree that all believers should be careful about accepting
ides that are handed down through tradition. At the same time we should
be careful about rejecting ideas like marriage, family, and respect for
older people.
Date 02-24-92 07:42:00
From Terry Blount
To Tim Of Angle
Subject D&D
TB> own faith? I hope you didn't come here expecting to find new
players TB> for D&D. <grin> You may not find the soil so fertile as
you may find TB> in another conference.
TO> Yeah, we're all primarily RUNEQUEST and CHAMPIONS players
TO> here....
I thought the name of this game was "look for a spot to insert my flavor
of heresy and then duck any question that made me feel uncomfortable."
Kinda like an intellectual "your it." Of course whoever is "it" gets
the grand prize: a free ticket to HELL !
Date 02-24-92 07:49:00
From Terry Blount
To Brian Henderson
Subject Fundamentalist
BH> Wrong, Walter. The definition of the word Christian is
BH> "follower of Christ".
BH> Nothing more. Look it up in the dictionary. The METHOD of this
BH> following is different in many different denominations.
BH> Therefore, calling some groups Christians
BH> because they agree with you and others non-Christians because
BH> they don't is a little ridiculous.
You may have forgotten that Walter is a member of a new age group that
was founded at the turn of this century. Being the new kid on the
block, he has been called lots of names. How does one deal with this
rejection? When you are accused, you learn to accuse others in turn.
It may not be possible for Walter to understand what you are trying to
teach him. Keep trying though. I'll support anything you can do toward
the unity of all religions.
I have come to realize that the problem with religious people is they
don't clearly understand their responsibility. Usually traditional
Christians talk about individual salvation and that's the extent of
their concerns. However when you observe the society as a whole, you
can see it resembles the human being. Just as a human is composed of
mind and body, there are parts of our society that fulfill these rolls
too. The external role (which represents the body) is fulfilled by
politics and science, while the internal role ( which represents the
mind) is fulfilled by religion. In the ideal human, the mind control
and directs the body. But since the fall this situation was reversed.
Likewise we find that on a social level politics dominates religion.
The true role of religious people is to guide and advise politics.
However religious people don't know that they are supposed to take this
responsibility. So that leaves them to focus on small petty things like
sorting out who is going to heaven and who is not a "real" follower of
Christ. In other words, Walter is goofing off at the job. Like a
computer programmer playing pack man rather than writing code.
Walter and all religious people, including me (shame on me), should be
shaping the direction the Government is headed. Since we haven't done
that this nation is in a hell of a mess. Since religions teach self
sacrifice, it is only natural that a christian nation should practice
self sacrifice. When America was sacrificing for the world America
prospered. Now that America has turned inward and forgotten her
obligations the economic, social, political situation has declined.
Who is going to turn America back? If religious people don't stop
bickering about who is saved this nation will continue to suffer from
brain damage. The body of a brain damaged person will never function
Date 02-24-92 08:19:00
From Terry Blount
To Brian Henderson
Subject Fundamentalist
BH> >> Only some are, Terry. Others of us do not commit
BH> >>intellectual
BH> >>suicide when we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
BH> >>
BH> Is rational thought and intelligent reasoning considered
BH> intellectual suicide?
BH> Walter, you don't even know what you are reading. You don't
BH> know where the Bible came from or who originally wrote the
BH> books. You know little, if anything, about
BH> this book from a realistic standpoint, and you place all your
BH> faith in it. I can't think of a more apt name for it than
BH> intellectual suicide.
Oh, I pray Walter can understand you. I have been praying that he could
understand this point. Jesus said the same thing:
JOH 4:23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers
shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh
such to worship him. ^^^^^^^^^^^^
Date 02-24-92 18:53:00
From Terry Blount
To Ron Powers
Subject Times Of The Gentiles
RP> The Watchtower said that according to the Bible, 1914 was the
RP> end of the times of the Gentiles. They lied, again.
No, they were only off by a few years. They will ABSOLUTELY have the
last laugh when the world knows who was born in 1920. I'd be careful
if I were you. You could become quite an embarassment to your descendan
when they read the messages you have written.
Date 02-24-92 18:55:00
From Terry Blount
To Brian Henderson
Subject UFO's
BH> >> No. If God speaks then it becomes the reality and cannot
BH> >>there-
BH> >>fore be a lie. It is the reality.
BH> >>
BH> Come now, Waltee. There are many examples of things in the
BH> Bible that God said that did not happen. There are many
BH> prophecies that were supposedly inspired by God that never came
BH> true, or only came true if you ADD to the Bible to make them
BH> come true. God is indeed a liar.
I don't think God is a liar, He made very few predictions about
something that ABSOLUTELY would happen. He usually indicated the
possible out comes based on man either fulfilling or failing man's
portion of responsibility. Take for examply:
Prophecies of the Messiah being King of Kings... if the Messiah finds
faith he would become the king of kings.
Prophecies of the Messiah being the Suffering Servant... if the Messiah
finds faithlessness he would indeed suffer and be rejected.
Every prophecy has an implied opposite outcome. If Adam and Eve ate
the fruit they would die also implies if they did not eat it they would
You can see this principle clearly in the predictions about the
destruction of Sodom and Gomorran VS. the destruction of Nineveth.
Same situatuation, same prediction in both situations, however the
people repented in one situation and the opposite outcome resulted from
the outcome of the situation where Abraham could not find even 1
righteous man.
Date 02-24-92 19:44:00
From Terry Blount
To Brian Henderson
Subject UFO's
BH> Again, wonderful circular reasoning. Whatever happened to
BH> rational, intelligentthought? Or don't Christians stress this?
You know they don't. The more you try to reason with people who don't
value rational thought the more frustrated you will be. Why you may
even end up as frustrated as Jesus Christ himself !
LUK 13:34 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which killest the prophets, and
stonest them that are sent unto thee; how often would I have
gathered thy children together, as a hen [doth gather] her
brood under [her] wings, and ye would not!
MAT 26:38 Then saith he unto them, My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even
unto death:
Date 02-24-92 19:55:00
From Terry Blount
To Brian Henderson
Subject UFO's
BH> >>the responsibility of those kill them. Regardless of the fate
BH> of >>the
BH> >>one killed God will still hold those doing the killing
BH> >>responsible and
BH> >>judge them accordingly.
BH> >>
BH> Then who are these Christian radicals who insist on resorting to
BH> violence to stop abortions? Isn't God the judge, not man? I
BH> seem to see a lot of hypocracy in the Operation Rescue, and in
BH> fact, the entire fundamentalist Christian platform.
Ask him what should be done with the person(s) who killed Jesus. What
if they had allowed Jesus to live? Was killing this innocent man was
good? What if Judas had not betrayed Christ? Why isn't Judas their
You want to find some really crazy reasoning, try to find out why
christians think that Jesus had to die to save sinners. Jesus had the
power on earth to forgive sins. Seems that killing a man that had the
potential to father sinless children was the biggest mistake since Eve
tasted the fruit.
Ask him why Jesus could have inherited sin from his father but not his
mother. Why can't the messiah have a eathly father?
Ask him why Abraham's descandants were sentenced to suffer 400 years in
slavery if Abraham did nothing wrong.
Ask why Jesus said that the greatest born of woman would be lesser than
the least in the kingdom of heaven.
I tell you, these guys are really confused. I've been trying to help
for a long time, giving advice that I shold be charging big money for,
but alas all seems hopeless.
Date 02-25-92 13:57:00
From Terry Blount
To Steven Headley
Subject D&D
SH> There is no indication that the sin that Eve, and Adam
SH> committed was anything other than the simple disobedience of
SH> God's commandment.
So when you disobey a commandment you DO something. What do you want me
to believe they did? What was it that caused them to be ashamed of
their nakedness? What kind of disobedience causes problems for one's
children? What could Adam and Eve have desired more than life itself?
Why did Jesus say it is NOT what goes into the mouth that defiles a man.
Why did Jesus and John the Baptist say that fallen man was born in
Satan's blood lineage? Why must we be born again? Why did God want
Abraham to purify his sexual parts? Why has major religions taught
celibacy and chastity?
SH> I realize that you feel that this was a
SH> sexual sin, but I don't find the scriptural support for this
SH> theory.
You have not prayed to see it. When you pray with tears you will know.
Date 02-25-92 14:02:00
From Terry Blount
To Steven Headley
Subject Fundamentalist
SH> Gee, Terry, it could be that the reason Walter's views won't
SH> change is that you haven't given him reason, or sufficient
SH> reason, or quality of reason to change his views.
No, that is not the case. I have given him more than sufficient reason
to get him on the right path, but alas to no avail.
Date 02-25-92 14:09:00
From Terry Blount
To Steven Headley
Subject Zach 1/2
SH> "HAD RETURNED???" Past tense?? When Christ returns, it won't
SH> be hard to tell, Terry. There are all kinds of accompanying
SH> signs and wonders, and all of that good stuff that people want
SH> to ignore. There won't be any doubt that Christ has come back.
SH> He won't be sneaking around.
LUK 18:8 I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless
when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?
1TH 5:2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so
cometh as a thief in the night.
LUK 17:20 And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom
of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh
not with observation:
MAR 13:35 Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the
house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the
morning: MAR 13:36 Lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping.
Date 02-25-92 14:17:00
From Terry Blount
To Steven Headley
Subject Zach 1/2
SH> When one continually puts forth questions such as "why did God
SH> do this?" is shows a lack of faith on their part. Who are who
SH> to question why God did something the way that He did??
Children naturally want to understand their parents. God is my father.
Can a parent-child relation be just one-sided?
SH> If you want to ask God "why?" that is fine
SH> with me. It does not make the limited answer that you come up
SH> with God's unlimited truth.
This is indeed a serious question. Even when people get a direct
revelation from God they then doubt. Take the case of John the Baptist.
God told him directly that Jesus was the Christ, but within a short
period of time John was sending someone to ask Jesus if he was indeed
the Christ to come. John was the greatest born of woman, and look at
the mistake he made. How can you and I hope to do any better? We have
to study, pray, talk to each other and listen for God's voice.
Cain had the same problem when his offering was not accepted. What
should he have done? God told him that if he did well he too would be
blessed. Should Cain have asked someone who was successful in getting
their offering accepted to help him? Why didn't Cain ask Abel for help?
Since God had accepted Abel's offering what would He have done if Able
had offered Cain's offering or helped Cain make the offering?
We have only seen one example of two people overcoming this kind of
situation. When Jacob gave everything he had to his brother, Esau, and
won his heart, that kind of restoration was achieved and the Messiah
could come in Jacob's lineage upon that foundation.
I simply want to let you know that a new revelation has been revealed to
me. It will be most difficult to believe me and accept the things I
have been writing about. Nevertheless, I have to do it. If I don't you
will be in a position to accuse me someday. At least you now have the
opportunity to know the Messiah has returned. If you will pray
seriously enough and shed tears, God will reveal ( to you ) who the
Messiah is, like he has shown me. I believe the hope of all
christianity is the return of Christ. I really can't understand why any
christian would not want to know if the Messiah has indeed returned. If
he did return as he did the first time... a man, born of a woman, then
what difference would it make? The Messiah is still the Messiah no
matter how God sends him.
The mission of the Messiah is to make all things new. How is this
possible unless he returns in the flesh? How can a spiritual return of
Jesus in the clouds bring about a new family centered on God. If you
think about what it really means to make all things new then you may
realize that this is a radical change. God must establish HIS family,
HIS clan, His nation, and HIS world. Restoration cannot come about in a
supernatural magical way. Man failed his portion of responsibility so
man must fulfill his responsibility in the last days. God will restore
mankind by establishing the restored Adam and restored Eve to fulfill
the role of True Parents to mankind. Fallen man can be adopted into
that family and a new world will be created.
This process began in 1951 but christianity rejected the teachings of
Rev. Moon. Then he had to go through 40 years of suffering and restore
the faithlessness of christianity. That 40 year indemnity period ended
last year. During that time of suffering Rev. Moon was badly mistreated
by christian leaders, the media and even unjustly imprisoned by the
American political system. Even while he was being so harshly-unjustly
mistreated he continued to pray for christianity and this nation. During
that time he spent over 800 million dollars in this country to try to
educate and save this nation. He founded the Washington Time, sent out
videotapes to a half million christian ministers, sponsored the
international conference for the unity of the sciences on an annual
basis, and too many other projects to mention. He is in serious debt
now. He was only able to bring this money money to America at the
expense of the sacrifice of his followers in less fortunate countries
like Korea. What incredible shame we have to bear for this failure of
our country and our people, and christianity.
Rom 11:7 What then? Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for;
but the election hath obtained it, and the rest were blinded. Let their
eyes be darkened, that they may not see, and bow down their back alway.
I say then, Have they stumbled that they should fall? God forbid: but
[rather] through their fall salvation [is come] unto the Gentiles...
Through the fall of christianity God will raise up atheistic communist
and they will inherit our blessing. What shame we are bringing to the
saints who suffered for this day. What shame we are bringing to our
descendants. Can we repent? Is it already too late?
Date 02-25-92 15:29:00
From Terry Blount
To Steven Headley
Subject Zach 1/2
SH> We cannot purify ourselves, Terry. God purifies us.
JAM 4:8 Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse
[your] hands, [ye] sinners; and purify [your] hearts, [ye] double
REV 22:14 Blessed [are] they that do his commandments, that they may
have right to the tree of life
Date 02-25-92 15:31:00
From Terry Blount
To Steven Headley
Subject Zach 2/2
SH> to me WHY God would bless Zacharias with a son, and infill
SH> Zacharais with the Holy Spirit being that Zacharias had
SH> greatly sinned by having sex with Mary outside of the bonds of
SH> marriage??
Why did you conclude that Zach and Mary could never have been married?
LUK 1:39 And Mary arose in those days, and went into the hill country
with haste, into a city of Juda; LUK 1:40 And entered into the house
of Zacharias, and saluted Elisabeth. LUK 1:41 And it came to pass,
that, when Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped in
her womb; and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost: LUK 1:42 And
she spake out with a loud voice, and said, Blessed [art] thou among
women, and blessed [is] the fruit of thy womb. LUK 1:43 And whence
[is] this to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?
Date 02-25-92 16:25:00
From Terry Blount
To Jim Taylor
Subject D&D
JT> In a way it's somewhat the same, only the Unification Church is
JT> spiritual, and D&D is not; it's a secular, role-playing fantasy
JT> game, essentially part of the same genre as the writings of
JT> Tolkien and the fictional writings
JT> of C.S. Lewis. Making a spiritual issue out of it is really not
JT> appropriate.
JT> Of course, I should talk! My wife and I are both Eastern
JT> Orthodox Christians. She is also a DM (Dungeon Master), and
JT> probably one of the best in the field--certainly one of the most
JT> creative.
JT> I am a regular player in the games she puts together. My
JT> "character"
I like roll playing too, but I try to play the role of Messiah or True
Man... that's my "character", and my wife tries to play the role of
True Mother, that's her "character." These characters require that we
pray, repent, and sacrifice ourselves and our family for the the
salvation of mankind. If you want to join our game let me know.
There is room to pick up a few more players.
Date 02-25-92 16:42:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Romans 1:32
WC> How was the trip to Russia?
The trip was a real encounter with the living God. I'm seriously
considering moving my family there and teaching for a couple of years.
Where can I find some financial support? <hint> I heard weather men
make a lot of money. If you have difficulty in finding a way to use
your $80,000 annual salary let me know.
Date 02-25-92 16:54:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject The End 1/
WC> Amos 3:7 Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth
WC> his secret unto his servants the prophets.
You are correct..
signed Terry Blount, God's prophet !
Date 02-25-92 16:57:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Zacharias
WC> Immaterial to the discussion at hand. Zacharias was a human
WC> and not God. There is no relationship between the belief that
WC> Zacharias was the biological father of Jesus and John 16:25.
Maybe no relationship between the "belief", but Zacharias was Jesus'
earthly father. A person doesn't have to be some kind of freak to be
the Messiah. The origin and motivation for their birth comes from God
while the origin and motivation for the birth of fallen people comes
from Satan.
Date 02-26-92 07:34:00
From Terry Blount
To Tony Nasrallah
Subject Christ's death not essent
TB> >What would have happened if the people had not failed? They
TB> would have >had faith in Jesus and he would have not been
TB> murdered. Jesus could >have restored a woman to take
TB> responsibility for the failure of Eve.
TN> This this certainly a
TN> radical departure from the usual interpretation of the Christian
TN> scriptures. However, what do you base this interpretation on?
TN> The traditional view that Christ's death was essential for
TN> salvation at least has support in the Gospels.
This "truth" was revealed to my minister, Rev. Sun Myung Moon, through a
revelation from Jesus Christ, Easter Sunday, 1935.
If you want to understand this new revelation you can probably pick up
80+ % of it from reading the scripture with the view that God's goal is
the realization of HIS grandchildren.
Adam and Eve disobeyed God's word and fell through the misuse of sexual
love. They procreated children of the devil as Jesus and John the
Baptist indicated. God sent Jesus Christ to a prepared people, rather
than to a nation that was not expecting the Messiah. What were the
people prepared to do? They should have found faith in Jesus and
believed in him and followed him. NO one would have allowed harm to
come to the long awaited Messiah. But they did not identify Jesus as the
Christ. Even on the cross they jeered him saying if you are the Christ
get yourself down.
So what would Jesus have done had he found the people had faith in him?
He would have restored the 3 blessings that God promised to Adam.(Gen
1:28 ) Centering on God, Jesus attained the first blessing of individual
perfection. After individual perfection Adam should have multiplied.
So Jesus' next step would have been to restored a woman to fulfill the
position of True Mother to mankind. The long awaited marriage of the
Lamb ( Rev 19:9 ) would have taken place 2,000 years ago. First comes
marriage, then comes Ms. Messiah pushing a baby carriage. <grin> So
Jesus and his bride would have established a God centered family and God
would have had sinless grand children.
Sinless children grow up to become messiah's and more messiahs is the
last thing Satan wanted to deal with. So we find Satan entering into
Judas to participate in the murder of Jesus before he could procreate.
Sinless children don't need to be born again, they are born right the
first time. Sinless children don't need salvation. Salvation is only
needed by people who are born outside God's lineage.
Date 02-26-92 07:54:00
From Terry Blount
To Patrick Wilson
Subject Geneology of jesus
PW> (as a sacrafice) and to be the true Messiah, He had to be a
PW> fulfillment of EACH AND EVERY ONE! Does that help?
Sorry, it doesn't. Jesus should have found faith when he appeared 2,000
years ago. Then he could have fulfilled one important prophecy:
ISA 9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the
government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be
called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting
Father, The Prince of Peace.
ISA 9:7 Of the increase of [his] government and peace [there shall be]
no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order
it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from
henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will
perform this.
Date 02-26-92 08:00:00
From Terry Blount
To Roger Hepworth
Subject Have you Prayed
RH> Have you tried praying about what others have told you?
Yes, a great deal. Really no one has told me anything very different
from what I was taught all my life. I grew up with the teaching of
fundamental christianity. When I heard the Divine Principle, it really
challenged me to pray and seek God's guidance. I did and that is why
I urge you to do the same.
Points to pray about:
1. Did the fall of man involve an illicit sexual relationship?
2. Did Jesus come to die, or to celebrate the marriage of the Lamb and
then establish a God centered family... bringing sinless children into
the world.
3. Are we living in the last days and could Christ be walking on the
earth at this time?
4. Will the messiah really drop out of the sky?
5. Is Rev. Moon a man of God?
Date 02-26-92 08:07:00
From Terry Blount
To Phil Morrison
Subject Jesus' Geneology /MN
PM> MW has said that Jesus must have had a literal father in the
PM> line of David, etc, in order to qualify as MESSIAH.
PM> Input from others of you will be appreciated. phil phm`
I have been strongly persecuted in this conference for telling everyone
that Jesus father was the same High Priest who was the father of John
the Baptist. It is true.
LUK 1:38 And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto
me according to thy word. And the angel departed from her. LUK 1:39
And Mary arose in those days, and went into the hill country with haste,
into a city of Juda; LUK 1:40 And entered into the house of
Zacharias, and saluted Elisabeth.
It is pretty obvious who Mary "went in haste" to visit when she received
the revelation that she was to be the handmaid of the Lord.
Date 02-26-92 08:12:00
From Terry Blount
To Phil Morrison
Subject Most Terrible Sin
PM> True or False:
PM> The most terrible sin ever committed
PM> was an unknown sin. Luke 23:34
It was not unknown. The crucifixion of Jesus was the second worse sin
in the history of mankind: only second to the sin of fornication by Eve
and Lucifer, and then Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden.
PM> In what form is this being done today?
LUK 17:26 And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the
days of the Son of man. LUK 17:27 They did eat, they drank, they
married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe
entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all. LUK
17:28 Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they
drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; LUK 17:29
But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone
from heaven, and destroyed [them] all. LUK 17:30 Even thus shall it be
in the day when the Son of man is revealed.
Date 02-26-92 19:51:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Fundamentalist 2
WC> That may be, Brian, but my knowledge of God is astronomically
WC> greater than yours.
0 x any number is still 0 ! <grin>
How can you be so sure you know God better than Brina. Brian may even
be the messiah for all you know.
Date 02-26-92 19:53:00
From Terry Blount
To Steve Klemetti
Subject Grace
SK> 8:46 Yet Jesus said: "Someone touched me, for I perceived that
SK> power went out of me."
SK> Jesus asked `Who touched him?'
SK> This shows that he is not almighty as he perceived that power
SK> went out of him. Almighty God would have infinity power and he
SK> would notice no loss of power.
This is a good point. Did you come up with it yourself?
Date 02-26-92 19:55:00
From Terry Blount
To Harvey Smith
Subject Israel and the USA
HS> It is time for all to send a telegram to our President, and let
HS> him know that many of our economic woes are because of his anti
HS> Israel sentiment, and that of James Baker.
Israel is no longer the chosen nation.
MAT 21:42 Jesus saith unto them, Did ye never read in the scriptures,
The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of
the corner: this is the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes?
MAT 21:43 Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken
from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof. MAT
21:44 And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken: but on
whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder. MAT 21:45 And
when the chief priests and Pharisees had heard his parables,
they perceived that he spake of them.
And he was speaking of them. The kingdom of God was taken from the
Jews. They failed to protect the Messiah. They failed their mission.
Date 02-27-92 07:45:00
From Terry Blount
To Brian Henderson
Subject D&D
BH> ALL faiths and religions are welcomed here. I thought that
BH> maybe on an open sub that the Christians (and I spent 17 years
BH> of my life as one) would bother to take a rational, intelligent
BH> approach to their own faith. I was wrong of course, but
BH> I can always hope...
I'm still not clear about what you want to achieve through your
participation in this conference. Do you want christians to become
Date 02-27-92 07:48:00
From Terry Blount
To Brian Henderson
Subject D&D
BH> I don't think this Satan person tempts anyone with anything.
BH> Until someone provides evidence that says he does, you're just
BH> blowing a smokescreen of fear and ignorance.
How do you explain the fact of evil?
ROM 7:22 For I delight in the law of God after the inward man: ROM
7:23 But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of
my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my
members. ROM 7:24 O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from
the body of this death?
Date 02-27-92 07:51:00
From Terry Blount
To Brian Henderson
Subject D&D
BH> You don't seem to get it. I don't believe in God. Therefore, I
BH> don't care about what some 3,500 year old book has to say on the
BH> matter. I spent 17 years as a Christian, found it to be totally
BH> intellectually, logically, and spiritually bankrupt
BH> and am living a much better life without your mythological
BH> diety.
Maybe you found God? ...or a side of God that christianity has not
Date 02-27-92 07:55:00
From Terry Blount
To Brian Henderson
Subject evidence
BH> Untrue, Terry. The Bible says quite explicitly that the
BH> Noachian Flood covered
BH> the entire earth. Period. Geological and archeological
BH> evidence, as well as common sense, tell us that the entire earth
BH> has NEVER been covered by a worldwide flood.
Ok, but maybe a tired and overworked human photocopier inserted the word
"entire". I wouldn't throw out the "Book" just yet.
BH> Now you can argue all day that the various glaciers and ice ages
BH> have covered
BH> areas of it at times, but this is not the issue. The issue is
BH> that it was not all covered at the same time. This means that a
BH> literal interpretation of the Bible is impossible.
Well God ( or someone ) has taught you something correct. Do not
literally interpret the Bible. You will suffer from a serious case of
ignorance and irreversible emotional problems.
BH> if God lied about this, what else did he lie about?
I haven't agreed that God is a liar but if you are looking for
deception consider this:
MAT 16:28 Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which
shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming
in his kingdom.
MAR 9:1 And he said unto them, Verily I say unto you, That there be
some of them that stand here, which shall not taste of death,
till they have seen the kingdom of God come with power.
LUK 9:27 But I tell you of a truth, there be some standing here, which
shall not taste of death, till they see the kingdom of God.
Date 02-27-92 08:06:00
From Terry Blount
To Brian Henderson
Subject Fundamentalist
BH> I, too, believe that some of them can be convinced to listen to
BH> logic. Of course, the more radical, fanatical, fundamentalist
BH> types are totally lost. I'm not really here for them. I'm here
BH> to keep those who are not sure who to listen to from
BH> falling into their trap.
While anything is possible, I don't think we have to be too strongly
worried about grown people picking up ideas like the one that Jesus will
fly in from the clouds and swoop up selected bigots (although we both
might wish this would happen ). These kind of ideas are implanted from
birth by misguided adults. The main thing you will come to realize is
that no one here is looking for a religion. Everyone that participates
in this conference thinks they have found truth and like you and I, it
would cost them their salvation to deny it.
Date 02-27-92 08:15:00
From Terry Blount
To Ralph Stokes
Subject Jesus Standing??
RS> Been here all along. (let me warn you that sysops have software
RS> that allows them to exclude all messages with a certain
RS> person's name in the header. Your sysop MAY have done that with
RS> my messages. I don't know.)
Ralph, Ralph, we all like to hear about the glorious King James version,
as well as the quotes from it that you say support racial superiority.
Date 02-27-92 18:49:00
From Terry Blount
To Mike Wagner
Subject Holy Spirit
TB> You must realize that God is much like a farmer. He plants
TB> the good seed, but somewhere along the way the seed exercises it's
TB> freedom to develop according to principles other than those that
follow TB> the law for perfection.
MW> Are you a duelist then? Where did the potential for disobedience
MW> come from? Does it exist eternally apart from God?
The potential for disobedience came from God's desire to share equally
with a part of His creation. The only way it would be possible for a
creator to share equally with His creation is to create something and
then give it the potential to also create. That is what God did with
man. God created everything EXCEPT man's perfection. That was one thing
man himself had to do through obedience to the commandment God gave when
He said do not eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
I can explain the meaning and significance of this commandment if you
like. However the most important thing to realize is that ONLY humans
have the potential to create an eternal spirit. Since the creation of
Adam and Eve, ONLY the children of humans have an eternal spirit. That
eternal spirit a couple can create is not created by God. God created a
man and a woman, then gave up this right to them. God will NEVER again
create a human spirit. This is the unique privilege that God bequeathed
to His children.
Evil was created by God's partner. God has doe all He can to solve this
problem, however He cannot fulfill His partner's portion of
responsibility. If God fulfilled man's portion of responsibility then
we could never stand in the position of His children and Lord of a
creation which we did not create. We also would never be able to share
the deepest kind of love with out creator. We have to be thankful that
God did not jump in when man fell and take away our freedom and position
as lord of creation.
If those christians who are waiting on Jesus to come back and solve
their problems could only understand that it is their opportunity and
privilege to restore fallen man, they would stop waiting and get to
Jesus will not be disappointed if he returns to find only righteous,
selfless, saint type people inhabiting the earth.
Evil will eventually be totally removed from the entire cosmos and the
spiritual world. It is much easier to do it while we are alive. Once
we pass into the spiritual world we will no longer have a physical body
and our spiritual body cannot grow without one.
Date 02-27-92 19:23:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject New Age Group
WC> TB>You may have forgotten that Walter is a member of a new age
WC> group TB>that was founded at the turn of this century.
WC> You are incorrect. The organization was founded in the 1940s.
WC> The belief was founded on the day of Pentecost. It can be traced
WC> through all ages of history. Can you say the same?
No. What Rev. Moon is doing has never been done before. He came to
continue the work of Jesus Christ and make all things NEW !
WC> TB>It may not be possible for Walter to understand what you are
WC> TB>trying to teach him.
WC> Oh, I understand all too well. There is a difference between
WC> understanding a doctrine and embracing it. I understand most of
WC> the doctrines presented. It is because I understand them that I
WC> will not embrace them. They are unscriptural.
LUK 19:42 Saying, If thou hadst known, even thou, at least in this thy
day, the things [which belong] unto thy peace! but now they are hid from
thine eyes.
WC> TB>Keep trying though. I'll support anything you can do toward
WC> the TB>unity of all religions.
WC> Well, the Bible does let us know that there will be a unified
WC> religion for the world just before Jesus returns. It will belong
WC> to the Antichrist.
Why should the body of christ be disunited?
WC> TB>I have come to realize that the problem with religious people
WC> is TB>they don't clearly understand their responsibility.
WC> I understand my scriptural responsibility quite well. It is
WC> to worship God and be obedient to Him.
Is that what makes one a saint? Saint do much more than simply worship
God. Don't you want to qualify to be a saint? How many saints do you
reckon God wants?
WC> TB>Walter and all religious people, including me (shame on me),
WC> TB>should be shaping the direction the Government is headed.
WC> I am, Terry. You can check my record. I vote in each
WC> election.
Weak, weak. Is that how one becomes a saint?
TB>Who is going to turn America back?
WC> It is not possible that it will happen. It would not conform
WC> to the prophecies of the Bible. The Antichrist needs a base of
WC> opera- tions. He will have it.
The antichrist was a man-centered ideology that has come and gone.
Communism was the antichrist the scriptures warned us about.
MAT 16:3 And in the morning, [It will be] foul weather to day: for
the sky is red and lowring. O [ye] hypocrites, ye can discern the face
of the sky; but can ye not [discern] the signs of the times?
Date 02-27-92 19:32:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Perfect
WC> TB>I believe Adam and Eve were in a growing stage.
WC> Adam and Eve were created as fully functioning adults,
WC> mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically.
So why did God need to tell them to keep away from a dangerous tree?
Date 02-27-92 19:33:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Perfect
WC> TB>So nothing is created perfect without going through a
WC> formation TB>and growth stage.
WC> God is absolutely capable of creating something in its
WC> finished stage without any intermediate stages needed. This was
WC> the case with all the angels and with Adam and Eve.
Nonsense, everything that God created took time. 7 days, remember?
A time period clearly indicates a formation and growth period was taking
place. This may be too rational for you to grasp, but try anyway.
Date 02-28-92 07:56:00
From Terry Blount
To C. Spurgeon
Subject : Isral Gods chossen
CS> "I say then, has God cast away His people? Certainly not! For I
CS> also am an Ilsaelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of
CS> Benjamin. God has not cast away His people whom He foreknew. Or
CS> do you not know what the Scripture says of Elijah, how he pleads
CS> with God against Israel, saying.
CS> "LORD they have killed Your prophets and torn down Your alters,
CS> and I alone am left, and They seek my life"?
The Messiah will not return to the Jewish people. He will come from
another nation with a similar history to Israel. The new nation will
have to suffer as Israel did. That nation must have messianic prophecies
as did Israel. That nation must have concluded a 40 year indemnity
period of oppression by a foreign nation. That nation must be fertile
soil for all denominations of christianity as well as other religions.
That nation must stand on the front line between God and Satan.
The nation that fits the qualifications is Korea. Korea has been
invaded over 900 times in its 4,000 year history but not once did it
invade another country. Korea suffered harsh oppression under Japan's
rule from 1905 to 1945... a 40 year period. Korea has messianic
prophecies. There are several books that were written about the
messiah's return to Korea. Korea is divided between the godless
ideology of communism and democracy where belief in God is allowed. That
division, along the 38 th parallel, is the front line between God and
Satan. After the Berlin wall fell that was the last such division
remaining today. The 38 th parallel will soon be dissolved and I will
be going to North Korea to teach the Divine Principle. Korea has a
strong christian following. Billy Graham gathered 1.2 million christian
people at a single revival. He said that Korean missionaries would
eventually evangelize the world.
Date 02-28-92 08:12:00
From Terry Blount
To Tony Nasrallah
Subject Christ's death not essent
TN> Do you mean the same Rev. Moon that went to jail for tax
TN> evasion? Terry, you are doing very little to support the
TN> credibility of your arguments.
Seek out and read the book "Inquisition" then come back and tell me what
you think. The U.S. government wanted to get rid of Rev. Moon, just
like the Jewish leaders wanted to get rid of Jesus. They made up this
false allegations while Rev. Moon was in Korea and thought that he would
not come back to America to face the charges since America and Korea has
no extradition agreement. There was no reason for Rev. Moon to return
and face such public humiliation... except to do God's will. Rev. Moon
came back and witnessed to prominent scientists and religious leaders
from behind prison walls. This was the 7 th time Rev. Moon was put in
prison for teaching the will of God. It will be his last. He suffered
40 years from 1951 to 1991 to pay indemnity for the failure of
Christianity. Because christians did not support him he had to go this
route. Christianity has opposed Rev. Moon every step of the way.
Millions of people have died and passed into the spiritual world since
1951. Because of the failure of christianity they could not hear the
truth and attain salvation. They won't be so happy to meet christians
when they die and go into the spiritual world. I would not want to meet
these people had I hindered their spiritual growth.
Date 02-28-92 12:01:00
From Terry Blount
To Roger Hepworth
Subject Have you Prayed
RH> I'll make a deal with you. I'll pray about what you ask me to
RH> think about and you do the same with what I ask you to think
RH> about. and I'll start with the above.
RH> ->
RH> -> --- Dogfight
RH> ->
RH> Whats this Dogfight you use?
It is a deal. Two points I would like to make. First I was raised in
the Southern Baptist tradition so I grew up hearing most of the ideas
fundamental Christians hold as truth. Second I attended the Unification
Theological Seminary and the focus of that training was on studying
religious ideologies and thought that is different from the Divine
Principle. I don't want to discourage you or say I know it all, but
you will have to show me something I have not considered before. I have
one clear and undeniable understanding. And that is that God's goal in
history has been to realize HIS grand children. He first tried to do
this through Adam and Eve. But they failed. So God has been working to
restore Adam and Eve and build a God centered family through the
sinless children of Christ and his bride.
When Christ establishes the restored family of God then fallen man can
be adopted into that family. The moral and ethical requirements to
belong to that family are opposite the standard for the fallen world,
AND their is NO compromise.
Dogfight is a utility that converts the Fidonet (Open Bible) messages to
the format (Spitfire) for my bbs. The two message bases are
incompatible so Dogfight exports and imports them to the necessary
Date 02-28-92 12:13:00
From Terry Blount
To Steve Klemetti
Subject Israel
SK> I couldn't have said it better myself as that is what I have
SK> been trying to tell people. The Jews as a people are no longer
SK> God's people. But the individuals can put faith in Christ and
SK> become one of God' people.
Eventually you may learn that Christianity failed when they rejected the
Divine Principle. This happened prior to 1951, and in 1951 Rev. Moon
had to establish a movement to indemnify this failure. The Bible
frequently mentions an indemnity condition of 400 years, 40 years, or 40
days. This use of the number 40 signifies separation from Satan. Jesus
and Moses fasted for 40 days. The flood came with 40 days and nights of
rain. The Israelites faithlessness in the wilderness caused them to
wander for 40 years. Abraham's failure to complete the offering lead to
his descendants suffering in slavery for 400 years. There are more
examples, but the main thing is that this 40 year condition to indemnify
the failure of Christianity ended in 1991. Since that time thousands of
former atheistic communist have heard and accepted the Divine Principle.
Thousands of Moslems and second generation christians have listened to
the Divine Principle and pledged their support. Communism cannot save
the world. Democracy cannot save the world. Only Godism, the ideology
of Rev. Moon can save the world. For 15 years I have been trying to
follow this teaching, but until recently I had problems believing that
the world could turn around to find and follow this teaching. One thing
has become absolutely clear to me recently. The whole world is rapidly
declining and at the same time they have tried to destroy Rev. Moon. But
God and Jesus Christ have supported Rev. Moon and he has not perished.
In fact his name is being resurrected. The most intelligent
originations on the earth, like the KGB and CIA, know that Rev. Moon has
the only solution for the problems of moral and ethical decay. He has
been welcomed on the highest levels. Because Christianity failed,
America is in a shameful situation. The only way to solve the problem
of shame is to repent. But I don't seen christianity repenting.
LUK 13:3 I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all
likewise perish.
LUK 13:5 I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all
likewise perish.
Date 02-28-92 13:32:00
From Terry Blount
To Vail Rodney
Subject D&D
VR> BH>spent 17 years as a Christian, found it to be totally
VR> intellectually,
VR> BH>logically, and spiritually bankrupt and am living a much
VR> better life
VR> BH>without your mythological diety.
VR> You don't sound better. You sound completely hostile. And if you
VR> are living this better life in which you believe, why do you
VR> torment yourself by responding to messages on this echo? Do I
VR> smell a revenge factor here from a dissolutioning of the spirit?
Yes, he is obviously unhappy, but don't forget progress always comes as
a result of emotional dissatisfaction. In other words: Show me a
satisfied man and I will show you a failure.
Date 02-28-92 13:35:00
From Terry Blount
To Vail Rodney
Subject D&D
VR> BH>I don't think this Satan person tempts anyone with anything.
VR> Until BH>someone provides evidence that says he does, you're
VR> just blowing a BH>smokescreen of fear and ignorance.
VR> Satan is not a person. He only uses, tempts and deceives people.
VR> He certainly has you convinced that he is harmless. Do you enjoy
VR> being allied to a murderer? In the end, he will kill you. He has
VR> no respect for any human being, even those who would wish to
VR> serve him. His goal is to destroy all human beings. Don't let
VR> him con you, he does tempt people.
This is true and will written. I hope Brian thinks about it.
Date 02-28-92 13:37:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Fundamentalists
WC> You are absolutely correct, Steven!! Terry believes that the
WC> Rev Moon is the messiah. He has offered absolutely not one shred
WC> of evi- dence that this is so. No one has walked on water, the
WC> dead have not been raised to life, the blind have not had their
WC> sight restored, the deaf remain deaf, the lame remain lame. In
WC> short, no miracles to authenticate the power and authority which
WC> Messiah must have. Neither did he come in clouds of glory as
WC> stated in Acts 1:9-11. So far all I have stuff which is directly
WC> contradicted by the Scripture. For some reason I just simply
WC> believe that Scripture takes precedence.
That is what the Jewish leaders did:
JOH 5:39 Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal
life: and they are they which testify of me.
Were they saved?
MAT 23:15 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye
compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make
him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.
I tell you that Rev. Moon was given the mission to complete the work of
Jesus Christ just as Revelation said that Jesus would do.
REV 2:17 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto
the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden
manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name
written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth [it].
REV 2:26 And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to
him will I give power over the nations:
How many people are telling you that they know someone who has inherited
this mission. There is no one else that claims their minister has
taken up the work of salvation that Jesus began. If you don't pray and
ask God, with tears, you will be making a mistake you will regret
forever. You will also be missing an opportunity that all mankind before
and after you would cherish forever. In all of history from the
beginning till now and from now forever onward, these few days we have
to work directly on earth with a man Jesus appointed to finalize his
mission will never again exist.
What a shame that even the atheistic KGB knows that Rev. Moon is a man
of God but you don't know the time you are living in.
LUK 13:34 O Walter, Walter ; how often would I have gathered you as a
hen [doth gather] her brood under [her] wings, and ye would
Date 02-28-92 13:58:00
From Terry Blount
To Brian Henderson
Subject God
BH> conversion, miracles, or any other such rot. Since God is
BH> beyond science (and has gone
BH> out of his way to remain this way, even going so far as
BH> falsifying data, it seems) no "evidence" applying to God is
BH> empirical.
Humm, I though God was the first scientist?
Date 02-28-92 13:59:00
From Terry Blount
To Brian Henderson
Subject God
BH> >>is also the choice of others not to participate. Such a
BH> moderator >>can
BH> >>then moderate an echo with only one person on it--himself.
BH> >>However
BH> >>much you or I do or do not agree that is the way the rules go.
BH> >>
BH> So true. Unfortunately, this echo is run by Harvey Smith.
No, you see Harvey started posting messages that claimed he had
inherited this job based on the idea that he was around when this
conference began. That is the same rational Satan had for taking over
God's creation. I can assure you that Mike has not appointed Harvey
as moderator. Harvey moderates an echo called cult-watch which is dead
except for a few of his friends who are practicing spiritual
masterbation. They get off on identifying and attacking other
religions, especially Mormonism.
BH> This is NOT a Christian echo, Walter. It is open to all
BH> religious persuasions and attacking
BH> other's belief systems is perfectly acceptable.
You can gather more flies with honey than with vinegar. Why do you
think that attacking another's belief system is acceptable? That kind
of thinking leads one to think they can save prostitutes by becoming
their customers. Jimmy found out that didn't work so well.
Date 02-28-92 14:11:00
From Terry Blount
To Steve Klemetti
Subject Human Logic
SK> The trinity does not make sense so that is
SK> why we do not believe in it.
So do you believe Christ is going to come back in the clouds and snatch
some folks off the face of the earth? It sure is refreshing to find
someone who does believe things that don't make sense.
Date 02-28-92 14:13:00
From Terry Blount
To Carla Rygula
Subject Jesus Ruling????????
CR> > just goes to show how much asleep and ignorant people are
CR> > today concerning Jesus' second advent as they were asleep
CR> > and ignorant in the first century when Jesus came.
CR> So true..
But what about today? You folks said Jesus was coming around 1914-17
then in 1935 Jesus gave his mission to someone who was born in 1920. BUT
you haven't discovered that yet. You should be happy that your first
prediction was correct. Also armageddon began in 1945 and concluded
with the death and burial of Chairman Mao, Sep, 18, 1976. It's really
strange that you guys know so much yet you are still confused about what
to do. When the messiah comes you only need to know and to do 2 things:
1. Find him
2. Follow him
Date 02-28-92 14:21:00
From Terry Blount
To Steve Klemetti
Subject lamsa translation
SK> Customs and traditions do not impress God.
How do we impress God?
Date 02-28-92 15:53:00
From Terry Blount
To Phil Morrison
Subject Zach
PM> Yuh. Like the Trump of God sounding loud enough to
PM> wake the dead. About the furtherest thing
PM> from a secret rapture. Some secret!
AMO 3:7 Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his
secret unto his servants the prophets.
Date 02-28-92 15:50:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Zacharias
WC> This a a nice passage, Terry, but where does it say or even
WC> imply that father of Mary's child is Zacharias?--particularly
WC> after the Bible has clearly stated that Mary became pregnant
WC> when she was over- shadowed by the Holy Spirit?
She was not overshadowed by the Holy Spirit. You are reading into
scripture what you want to see. She was overshadowed by the spirit of
the "Most High." She knew that Zach was the most high who was to
overhadow her, that's why she went to his house immediately after she
had this revelation.
Date 02-28-92 19:33:00
From Terry Blount
To Steven Headley
SH> Not really as accurate as you are thinking. God is the one
SH> that gives us the means to return to Him. He is the one that
SH> first extended His "hand." All we can do is accept or reject
SH> the gift.
This is one gift that requires much more than traditional christianity
understands. There is no real understanding of what it really means to
take up the cross and follow. Jesus was hated by most of the people and
the leaders so his followers naturally inherited the same kind of
hatred. What will happen when Christ returns if he comes as a man, and
as Jesus predicted, he fails to find faith? Do think it will be easy to
go out and stand on the corner and sell flowers to support the
educational work of teaching fallen man about Godism? I dare you to
stand on a corner and ask people to buy flowers to support Rev. Moon's
church. You will find out in the twinkling of an eye just how simple
and easy it is to accept the "gift".
TB> Let's say you were alive at the time of Jesus and you heard his
TB> followers saying that Jesus was the messiah. Are you responsible to
dig TB> deep into this rumor and ask God, or do you simply wait for God
to send TB> the dove and speak to you like He did with John the Baptist?
SH> Unwittingly, you have made the point here. God
SH> sent Jesus as the Messiah. That's God's initiating the means
SH> to return to Him. If you don't want to know Christ, and
SH> reject Him, that is your choice. But God has placed Him there
SH> whether you accept Him or not.
I understand your point and it is correct. However what kind of
relationship do you really want with God. One that simply passively
waits of God to do everything, or the kind of attitude that transforms
common people into saints. Do you inspire and motivate God by waiting
till He tells you to do something? Is that how you want your children
to relate to you?
SH> (And btw - God did not send a
SH> dove to John the Baptist. The Holy Spirit descended "as" as
SH> dove, not in the form of a dove.)
My mistake. I'll try to be more accurate next time.
TB> Who did Jesus indicate would be most glorified: John the Baptist
TB> ( read Mat 11:11 ) or the woman who anointed Jesus' head with oil
TB> read Luk > 7:47 )?
SH> Jesus never forgave John for his sins. What Christ
SH> says in Matthew makes sense, simply because He is comparing
SH> John on earth to those in heaven. The least person in heaven
SH> - where there is no sin - is going to be better off than
SH> anyone on earth. That only stands to reason. We do not have a
SH> record of whether John was forgiven of his sins by Christ.
SH> But as a prophet, it is most likely that John followed the sin
SH> offerings, and was forgiven of his sins.
John the Baptist is the most miserable failure in the history of
mankind. He was told directly by God that Jesus was the Messiah, then
he went his own way and never did one thing to help Jesus fulfill his
mission. John is the reason Jesus did not find faith and was forced to
go the way of the cross. God, Jesus Christ, Christians, Jews, and all
the rest of mankind has suffered 2,000 unnecessary years because of
John's failure. How would you like to have that record following you
around in the spiritual world? You would know what Jesus meant when he
said "lesser than the least." Even Judas did not fail that miserable.
Date 02-28-92 19:50:00
From Terry Blount
To Phil Morrison
Subject Jesus Ruling????????
PM> CR>> > CR>Jesus began ruling in 1914. This does'nt mean that
PM> there
PM> > I examined the book of Daniel and I cannot find the year 1914
PM> in > there anywhere. Please explain.
PM> I'd like to know, also. phil...... phm
Me too. The correct year is 1920.
Date 02-28-92 19:52:00
From Terry Blount
To Phil Morrison
Subject Jesus' Geneology /MN
PM> > LUK 1:38 And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord;
PM> be it > unto me according to thy word. And the angel departed
PM> from her. LUK > 1:39 And Mary arose in those days, and went
PM> into the hill country > with haste, into a city of Juda; LUK
PM> 1:40 And entered into the > house of Zacharias, and saluted
PM> Elisabeth.
PM> She arose "in those days". What's THAT mean to you? phil
What does "entered into the house of Zacharias, and saluted Elizabeth"
mean to you?
Date 02-28-92 19:53:00
From Terry Blount
To Phil Morrison
Subject Most Terrible Sin
PM> First time I ever realized fornication was so much worse
PM> than murder. Boy, did I have my values all mixed up.
Fornication is far worse than murder. Murder only kills one person but
fornication kills an entire lineage.
PM> Oh well. We live in a `dog eat dog' world.
PM> Or do I also have *that* exactly backwards, too ? phil
PM> phm
No. <grin> you got that correct.
Date 02-28-92 19:55:00
From Terry Blount
To Tim Of Angle
Subject Perfect
TB> So why did God need to tell them to keep away from a
TO> dangerous tree? Splinters, man ... those suckers do be
TO> *painful*....
Yes and when God asked Abraham to circumsice himself to get rid of those
"splinters" gathered from the fall it was even more painful.
Date 02-28-92 19:57:00
From Terry Blount
To Phil Morrison
Subject Pooh Bah
PM> It would be VERY MUCH in keeping with the character of satan
PM> to torment eternally AS LONG AS GOD SHALL LIVE, but satan
PM> does not have the power to keep people alive.
He doesn't need to. Once your physical body dies your spiritual body
enters the spiritual world at the same level you have matured to while
on earth. So if you are selfish here you will be living on the level
with other people just like yourself. You will think Satan is very much
tormenting you if you spend a few million years with people like
yourself and you are not a loving person.
Date 02-28-92 20:04:00
From Terry Blount
To Phil Morrison
Subject The End
PM> TB>>He must marry and then he will have sinless children.
PM> > This is extra-biblical. There is not a single verse of
PM> Scripture
PM> Walter Copes, let me shake your hand. phil phm
MAR 1:27 And they were all amazed, insomuch that they questioned
among themselves, saying, What thing is this? what new doctrine [is]
ACS 17:19 And they took him, and brought him unto Areopagus, saying,
May we know what this new doctrine, whereof thou speakest, [is]?
Date 02-29-92 17:34:00
From Terry Blount
To Steven Headley
Subject D&D
TB> You have not prayed to see it. When you pray with tears you
will know.
TB> Oh please. Don't pull that line on me.
If you think that is a line you are dead wrong. I am as serious as a
heart attack! If you cannot pray deeply you must try anyway or you will
never truly understand scripture. Someday you will see the value of my
Date 02-29-92 17:37:00
From Terry Blount
To Vail Rodney
Subject evidence
VR> TB> shall not taste of death, till they see the
VR> kingdom of God. They did see the Kingdom of God before they
VR> died. They saw it is a vision. Read Matthew 17:1-9. Notice
VR> particularly, verse 9. The transfiguration was a "vision".
VR> When reading scriptures such as these, a verse could also be
VR> referring to the "second death" and not a first one.
Quite possibly you are right... or you could be dancing a jig? <grin>
Date 02-29-92 17:40:00
From Terry Blount
To Steven Headley
Subject Fundamentalist
TB> No, that is not the case. I have given him more than sufficient
reason TB> to get him on the right path, but alas to no avail.
SH> Either that, or Walter is on solid enough foundation
SH> to not be swayed by the deception that you have bought into.
JOH 16:2 They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time
cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service.
JOH 16:3 And these things will they do unto you, because they have
not known the Father, nor me.
LUK 7:34 The Son of man is come eating and drinking; and ye say,
Behold a gluttonous man, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and
MAT 10:17 But beware of men: for they will deliver you up to the
councils, and they will scourge you in their synagogues;
LUK 20:46 Beware of the scribes, which desire to walk in long robes,
and love greetings in the markets, and the highest seats in the
synagogues, and the chief rooms at feasts;
Date 02-29-92 17:45:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Fundamentalist
WC> According to New Age theology (doctrines of devils I Timothy
WC> 4:1) anyone can become a messiah. According to the Bible there
WC> is only one Messiah and Jesus is His name.
REV 2:17 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto
the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden
manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name
written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth [it].
How can you know that Jesus did not give Brian the hidden manna and the
new name he promised someone would receive in the last days? Maybe
Jesus anointed Brian. You really don't know who he anointed. I wish I
could teach you in a way you could receive it.
Date 02-29-92 17:51:00
From Terry Blount
To Keith Suggs
Subject Not me!
KS> I don't call names. Cult is a word which describes a collection
KS> of believers
KS> whose core of beliefs includes information that is not widely
KS> accepted. It is not an insult; it's just a fact.
Get real ! You have never been called a cult member or you would know
differently. It is a derogatory label to denote the attitude of
immoral superiority of bigots.
Date 02-29-92 17:55:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Romans 1:32
WC> TB>I heard weather men make a lot of money. If you have
WC> difficulty TB>in finding a way to use your $80,000 annual salary
WC> let me know. Sounds like your source is as good as your
WC> prophets--out in left field--in this case not even in the same
WC> ball park.
My source for THIS information was a Bible thumping fundamental
christian. <grin> You mean I can't trust thoes guys? What is the
world coming to in these last days?
Date 02-29-92 17:58:00
From Terry Blount
To Steven Headley
Subject Zach
SH> That's right Terry, when Christ comes, it will be like a thief
SH> in the night. But He plans on sticking around a bit, and
SH> making His presence known. The initial coming will be quiet,
SH> but the time after that won't be.
Sounds like you are describing Rev. Moon? Praise the Lord!
Date 02-29-92 18:01:00
From Terry Blount
To Steven Headley
Subject Zach
SH> This from the person who thinks that God is so limited that He
SH> could not have Christ born of a virgin? There is a lack of
SH> consistancy here Terry.
I never said "could not" I only said "did not."
Date 02-29-92 18:04:00
From Terry Blount
To Steven Headley
Subject Zach
SH> TB> now. He was only able to bring this money money to America
SH> at the TB> expense of the sacrifice of his followers in less
SH> fortunate countries TB> like Korea. What incredible shame we
SH> have to bear for this failure of TB> our country and our people,
SH> and christianity. In other words, Moon tried to fake the
SH> people of the world out, by disguising himself as a "angel of
SH> light." People were weary of that, and those that were firmly
SH> grounded in the scriptures saw through the hoax, and did not
SH> believe. That sound about right to you??
JOH 6:64 But there are some of you that believe not. For Jesus knew
from the beginning who they were that believed not, and who should
betray him.
ROM 3:3 For what if some did not believe? shall their unbelief make
the faith of God without effect?